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Add rich text elements

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.1 (Linux)   |

Rich text elements allow you to add static text, links, and images to an analysis view and can be used to provide additional context.

To add a rich text element to an analysis view, complete the following steps:

  1. Access edit mode for the analysis view to which you want to add a rich text element.
  2. Click Add element > Rich text.

    The Rich text dialog box appears.

  3. Provide the text, links, and images that you want to add to the analysis view in the Rich text body text box using the available tools.
  4. Click Done.

    The rich text element appears in the analysis view.

  5. Optionally, hover over the rich text element and use the buttons to perform the following actions:
    • Drag Move Move to move the rich text element to a new location in the analysis view.
    • Click Configure Configure to edit the text.
    • Click Duplicate Duplicate to duplicate the rich text element.
    • Click Delete Delete to delete the rich text element.
    • Drag Resize Resize to change the size of the rich text element.
  6. When you finish adding elements to the analysis view, click Save.

    Click the Save drop-down arrow and click Save as to save the analysis view with a new name and description.

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