Once ArcGIS Monitor Server is installed and authorized, you must create the initial administrator account and connect to the database. This account is different than the ArcGIS Monitor account you provided during the software installation. You'll use the account that you create to initially sign in to Monitor and configure settings.
To create the administrator account and connect to the database, complete the following steps:
- Open a command prompt window on the Monitor Server machine.
- Run the command below, editing the parameters where necessary, to create the initial administrator account:
<Monitor Server installation location>\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe admin:security:users:add --username <username> --password <password> --name-first <first name> --name-last <last name> --email <email address> --role admin
The following is an example:
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Monitor\Server\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe" admin:security:users:add --username jdoe --password "my password" --name-first John --name-last Doe --email jdoe@domain.com --role admin
For more information about the admin:security:users:add command, run the command with the --help parameter.
The following is an example:
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Monitor\Server\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe" admin:security:users:add --help
A confirmation message appears.
- Run the command below, editing the parameters where necessary, to connect Monitor Server to the database repository:
<Monitor Server installation location>\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe admin:database:register --address <database address:port> --database <database name> --username <database username> --password <database password> --encrypt <true|false>
The following is an example for database connections that do not require encryption:
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Monitor\Server\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe" admin:database:register --address localhost:5432 --database monitor --username monitor --password "my database password" --encrypt false
The following is an example for database connections that require encryption:
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Monitor\Server\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe" admin:database:register --address localhost:5432 --database monitor --username monitor --password "my database password" --encrypt true
For more information about the admin:database:register command, run the command with the --help parameter.
The following is an example:
"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Monitor\Server\bin\arcgis-monitor-server.exe" admin:database:register --help
A confirmation message appears.
You can sign in to Monitor using the initial administrator account that you created.