You can reset the password for an ArcGIS Monitor user that has forgotten their password. You must be assigned the Administrator role to reset a user's password.
Access Monitor, if necessary.
The Home page appears.
- Click Administration.
The Administration page appears.
- Click the Users tab.
The Users page appears with a list of users sorted alphabetically by name.
Click Sort to change the sorting method, click Hide to choose which columns to hide or show, and click Filter to create a query to filter the list. You can also search for specific users by typing a keyword in the Search by first name, last name, or username text box.
- Click More options
next to the user's username and click Recover password.
The Recover User Password dialog box appears.
- Click Recover password to generate a password recovery URL.
Depending on how Monitor is configured, one of the following happens:
- A password recovery URL appears in the Recover User Password dialog box that must be provided to the user to allow them to reset their password.
- If email settings are configured, the user is emailed the password recovery URL.
- Click OK to close the Recover User Password dialog box.