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Install ArcGIS Monitor Agent silently

The following steps guide you through the ArcGIS Monitor Agent silent installation process. Performing a silent installation of Monitor Agent doesn't require an X Window display or user interaction during the installation process.

Prepare for the installation

Before you install Monitor Agent, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to My Esri and download the software for your Linux distribution.
    1. Click the Downloads tab and click All Products and Versions.
    2. Click the All Versions tab.
    3. Click View Downloads next to ArcGIS Monitor to download the software.
  2. Start a terminal session with administrative privileges and ensure that the user account has full permissions to the installation directory that will be created during the software installation.

    The default installation directory is /usr/lib/arcgis/monitor.

  3. Verify that your machine meets the system requirements.
  4. Optionally, create the ArcGIS Monitor account.

    The software installation automatically creates a service account for the ArcGIS Monitor account if one is not defined using the ARCGIS_USERNAME environment variable.

  5. Change the directory to the location that contains the Monitor .tar.gz file and uncompress it.

    For example, use tar -zxvf ArcGIS_Monitor.tar.gz.

  6. Change the directory to the location that contains the extracted setup file and make it an executable file.

    For example, use sudo chmod +x ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin.

You can now proceed with the software installation.


You cannot install Monitor on a shared network directory (NFS mounted folder). The directory must be local on the target system.

Install the software silently

The instructions below describe how to install Monitor Agent silently. For instructions on installing Monitor Agent from the interactive command line interface (CLI), refer to Install ArcGIS Monitor Agent.

  1. Before beginning the installation, read the Esri Master Agreement.
  2. From the command shell, run ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin with elevated privileges.

    For example, use sudo ./ArcGIS-Monitor-agent-<Version>-<deb or rpm>.bin -l yes [options].


    -l; --license-agreement CHOICE

    Required for silent mode. CHOICE is either Yes or No. Yes indicates that you have read and agreed to the Esri Master Agreement (E204, E300).


    Runs the installer without opening an xterm window.

You can now register ArcGIS Monitor Agent with Monitor Server.

Environment variables

To override the default username, group name, or installation location, you must add the following environment variables to the /etc/environment file before installing the software:

Environment variableDescription


<Username> specifies the name of the ArcGIS Monitor account username. The default username is arcgis.


<Group name> specifies the name of the group for the ArcGIS Monitor account. The default group name is arcgis.


<Directory> specifies the software installation location.

The path /arcgis/monitor/ is appended to the installation directory.

The default installation location is /usr/lib/arcgis/monitor.