Mission reports

ArcGIS 11.3    |    |  

The Report tool allows you to gather and submit information relevant to the mission using a predetermined and optimized format. These predetermined formats include mission reports and sensor reports. When a report is submitted, regardless of what type, it is saved as part of the mission and made available to other mission members through the mission map. A tactical summary report is the default report created with all missions. Custom reports can be created through ArcGIS Mission Manager based on your mission needs. Mission managers and administrators can edit report forms at any point during the mission.

Reports can be submitted independently or as part of a task assigned to Responder or Manager users. Once submitted, a report appears on the mission map as a point and opens as a read-only version. Responder users can submit reports based on their current location or through= the map.

For details about reports in ArcGIS Mission Manager, see Create, edit, and view mission reports and View the Reports feed.