Create and view sensor reports

ArcGIS 11.1    |    |  

Reports are authored by mission analysts and completed by mission members. Reports serve to organize, communicate, and record information that has been identified as relevant to the mission. There are two types of report: mission reports and sensor reports. This topic contains workflows for using sensor reports. For information about mission reports, see Create and view mission reports.

A sensor report is a type of report submitted through the trigger of third-party hardware that is configured with ArcGIS Mission Responder. These reports are different from custom mission reports in that there is no manual form to fill out with information. Instead, they are automatically submitted with a specific set of information whenever they are triggered by the third-party hardware, minimizing the submission time and amount of human interaction needed.

To use sensor reports in a mission, sensor report integration must be enabled on the ArcGIS Mission Server /self REST endpoint. If your organization has not enabled sensor integration, a message appears.

On the sensor report subtab in Mission Details, a list of available reports is displayed with the title, the third-party hardware associated with the report, the report status, and the triggering actions. You can preview sensor reports to see more details about what is submitted as part of the report and what alert settings are associated with the submission.

Create a sensor report

Sensor reports have a number of fields that can be included as part of the report submission. These fields are enabled by default and consist of the following:

  • Title—This title will be used for every submission of this report.
  • Description—This description will be attached to every submission of this report.
  • Report Icon—Single-symbol icons can be customized for each report (see Changing report symbols for more information).
  • Message—This option can be turned on or off. When turned on, a default message is required and sent with each submission.
  • Location—This option can be turned on or off. When turned on, the report includes the x,y coordinates of the sender's location.
  • Name of Sender—This option can be turned on or off. When turned on, the report includes the full name (first and last name) of the sender.
  • Date and time—This option can be turned on or off. When turned on, the report includes the date and time of the report submission.

Sensor reports also have specific configurable report settings that are used to determine the level of attention they receive when submitted. These settings include notifications, map effects, and sounds, and are configured as part of the sensor report creation. To create a new sensor report, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. Click the Sensor Reports subtab (under the reports count).
  5. Click the Create New.

    If there are existing sensor reports, the Create New button is replaced by a plus sign next to the action count.

  6. Select actions associated with the report: single press, double press, or long press.

    Any or all of these actions can be associated with a single report, but if a report is created with all three actions, it is the only report that can be active at the time.

  7. Click Create.
  8. Select what information is included in the report.

    Title and Description are required, and if the Message option is turned on, you are required to enter message text before the report can be published.

  9. Configure the report settings.

    This includes choosing whether or not to display a visual notification, whether to include any map effects, and what sound is played when a report is received, if any.


    If including sounds with a sensor report, ensure that other Manager users are aware so they can adjust their device volume appropriately.

  10. Click Publish.
  11. Add any tags you want to include, and click Publish.

Upon successful report publication, you are returned to the sensor reports page and a dialog box appears indicating the report was created successfully.

Preview a sensor report

Once a sensor report has been created, you can preview the report details on the sensor reports page. To preview a sensor report, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. Click the Sensor Reports subtab (under the reports count).
  5. Click the report you want to preview.

To close the preview, you can either click the report again, or click Close to close the Report Details panel.

Set a report as active or inactive

Sensor reports are triggered by one of three actions, or any combination of the three: a single press, double press, or long press. As there are a limited number of triggering actions, ArcGIS Mission Manager users must select which actions trigger which report. This includes determining which reports are active or inactive at any given time. There can be any number of sensor reports created, but no more than three unique trigger actions can be active at one time.

Sensor report integration must be enabled in ArcGIS Mission Server to make use of these reports. On the Sensor Reports page in Mission Details, there is a count that displays how many unique triggering actions are in use. Mission analysts can determine which reports are active and inactive from this page also, but no two reports can use the same triggering action. Setting a report as inactive does not remove it from the mission, but it disassociates it from the triggering action on the third-party device until it is made active again.

To set a report as active or inactive, complete the following steps:

  1. Click View Missions.
  2. Click Mission Details for the mission.
  3. Click the Reports tab.
  4. Click Sensor Reports (under the reports count).
  5. Select the report whose status you want to change.
  6. Click the status to display the status dialog box.

    You are not able to make a report active if there is a conflicting triggering action. The status will be unavailable. To make this option available, put the conflicting report into inactive status.

  7. Click the status you want to put the report in.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  8. Click Confirm.

    A notification appears stating that you have successfully changed the report status.