Choose a mission map during mission creation

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When you create a new mission, you can define a new mission map or use an existing map as your mission map. Depending on the mission requirement, the map options include the following:

  • Select the mission's basemap
  • Select the starting position and the zoom extent
  • Import a previously created map

Once you are satisfied with your map, you can edit the mission details or click Create New Mission.

Define a new mission map

You can create a mission map and define the basemap, starting position, and zoom extent.

Select a mission basemap

The mission basemap is always the bottom layer of the mission map. The mission basemap can be changed at any time on the Mission Details page.

To select the basemap for a mission, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Create a New Mission.
  2. Click Choose Basemap.
  3. Select a basemap from the Choose Basemap dialog box.
  4. Click to apply your basemap.

Your selection is now the basemap for the mission. All graphics, layers, or other map components appear on top of it.

Select the starting position and zoom extent

The zoom extent tool allows you to determine the starting location and level of zoom the map displays when the mission opens.

To select the starting position and zoom extent, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Create a New Mission.
  2. Locate your starting point on the map manually or using the search bar.
  3. Zoom to the desired extent using the zoom in and zoom out buttons or your mouse.
  4. Click Draw Mission Extent.
  5. Drag to draw a red rectangle on the basemap.

    The edges of this rectangle define the starting extent of your mission basemap. In the rectangle, the plus sign denotes the center point of your extent. You can redraw this extent as many times as you want until the mission is created.

Once you are satisfied with your map, you can edit the mission details or click Create New Mission.

Choose an existing map

You can use your organization's existing web maps in the mission. You can edit them using the Map tab on the Mission Details page.

You can use a map from the following sources:

  • My Content—Lists the maps you have built and saved in ArcGIS Online
  • My Organization—Lists the maps users in your organization have built and made accessible for use by the organization
  • My Groups—Any groups you are a part of in Portal for ArcGIS that have published maps for group use

Once you have chosen an existing web map for your mission, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Create a New Mission tab.
  2. Click Choose Mission Map.
  3. Find the map you want to import.

    This may include searching through private maps, either your own or your organization's.

  4. Select a map.

    This can be done manually, by scrolling through the map tiles, or using the search bar and sort options located above those tiles.

  5. Click OK.

The selected map appears in the map panel at the starting location and zoom extent determined by the map. An ArcGIS Mission Manager user can select the starting position and zoom extent using the map tool. Repeat this step as necessary.

Once you are satisfied with your map, you can edit the mission details or click Create New Mission.