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Access data on Microsoft Planetary Computer through SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog

Available with Image Analyst license.

Data on the Microsoft Planetary Computer is stored on Azure Blob Storage containers, and are cataloged using SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) specifications. Microsoft provides STAC API endpoints for searching data sets by location, time, and metadata.

ArcGIS Pro provides capabilities that use STAC APIs to search and discover data sets that reside in the Microsoft Planetary Computer, and other STAC Catalogs. ArcGIS Pro also provides cloud storage connection (ACS) files to handle authentication processes required by Microsoft, which are located in C:\AMPC_Resources\ACS_Files.. The folder also contains a preconfigured STAC connection file, C:\AMPC_Resources\MPC_STAC_Connection.astac, that allows you to start working with supported collections directly.

For instructions on how to create your own STAC connections in ArcGIS Pro, refer to Introduction to the Spatio Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC).