Configure a web map for Space Planner

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |

Available for an ArcGIS organization licensed with the Indoors extension.

Once you have shared a Space Planner base data web map and a Space Planner versioned feature layer from ArcGIS Pro to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal for use in Indoor Space Planner, you need to configure a new Space Planner web map that contains the layers from both the base data web map and the feature layer.

Ensure there is an existing Space Planner base data web map and a Space Planner versioned feature layer containing the occupant features, units features, and the Areas table.

Learn more about preparing a web map for Space Planner in ArcGIS Pro

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Content and search for the Space Planner base data web map shared from ArcGIS Pro.
  3. Click the browse button for the Space Planner base data web map and click Open in Map Viewer.
  4. Click Save As to save the Space Planner base data web map as a new Space Planner web map on your portal.

    Choose a name that is easily recognized as a Space Planner web map. You will use this name when configuring the Space Planner app.

  5. Click Add and choose Search for layers.
  6. Choose the Space Planner versioned feature layer shared from ArcGIS Pro that contains occupant features, units features, and the Areas table. This should appear in the Add list as a single feature layer with the name you specified in the Share As Web Layer pane to share the versioned feature layer to your portal.
  7. Click Add to Map to add all the layers from the feature layer to your map.
  8. Rename or reorder the layers as preferred.

    It is a good cartographic practice to order the occupants toward the top of the table of contents for your map, and to place the units between the Facilities and Levels polygon layers.

  9. Configure pop-ups for the Units and Occupants layers.

    These pop-ups are important and determine what displays on the info cards for occupants and units features in the Space Planner app.

  10. Ensure that your Space Planner web map has the required layers: Facilities, Levels, Units, Occupants, and the Areas table.

    Other layers can be included as optional layers to aid in planning. Common optional layers include the Details feature class, which includes key architectural details like walls and doorways, and the Zones feature class if it contains useful planning information.

  11. Save your Space Planner web map.

You can also add the web layer to your web map by copying the REST endpoint for your web layer and adding it to your web map by clicking Add and choosing the Add Layer from Web option.

You should also set the accessibility of the Space Planner web map to other members or groups in your organization. You can share the services the app uses to everyone who needs to use the app. If the services are not shared to everyone, the app prompts people to sign in with their organization’s credentials, and they will not be able to use the app until they do.

Your Space Planner web map is now ready for use in Space Planner.

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