When managing browse imagery, you will likely want to automate your workflow using batch files. With some planning, batch files like these can be used to automatically execute workflow tools with no input from the user.
This section will go over how to manage browse imagery for a mini version of the USGS Landsat Look application. These batch files will do the following:
- Build an example geodatabase to store the created mosaic datasets
- Use xml configuration files as input to create source mosaic datasets for collections of Landsat browse imagery
- Use xml configuration files as input to create a derived mosaic dataset to manage multiple collections of Landsat browse imagery
The Managing Browse Imagery workflow comes with five example batch files and three different types of sample data you can use to test out the workflow and adapt for your own project. This workflow will walk through the Landsat example. Afterward, you can explore the GeoEye and DigitalGlobe examples on your own.
- Navigate to the directory …\Image_Mgmt_Workflows\BrowseImagery\Batchfiles\, and double click the LL_GenerateSource_PortlandSample batch file. Click Run if prompted. A Windows Command Prompt will appear as the script to create source mosaic dataset runs. When the process is complete, press, any key to continue.
- In ArcMap, use the Catalog navigate to …\BrowseImagery\MD\BISample.gdb. (You may need to right click the MD folder and click Refresh.) Click the + to expand the Sample1.gdb and you will see four new source mosaic datasets.
- Return to the Windows Explorer window with your batch files, and double click the LL_GenerateDerived_PortlandSample batch file. Click Run if prompted. Another Command Prompt window will appear (see image below). When the process is complete, press, any key to continue.
- In the Catalog, right click BISample.gbd and click Refresh. You will now see a new derived mosaic dataset, D_LL_Portland
- Drag and drop D_LL_Portland onto your map. The resulting dataset will look like this:
- In the Table of Contents, right-click the layer and select Open, then Attribute Table.
The results of running the script will be captured in log files written to the …\BrowseImagery\Logs directory. The log file includes the name of the created mosaic dataset and the date and time it was created.

You have now used sample batch files to create source and derived mosaic datasets to streamline management of browse imagery. Explore the Workflow tab for more information on best practices as you adapt this workflow to your own data.