Set up ArcGIS GeoBIM

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

There are a few steps that should be undertaken by a member of your team with information technology experience including setting up web integrations with Autodesk BIM 360 for ArcGIS GeoBIM for ArcGIS Enterprise.

The following are the key steps:

  1. Create an Autodesk Platform Services application for ArcGIS GeoBIM.
  2. Authorize the APS application for the Autodesk Construction Cloud account.
  3. Install ArcGIS GeoBIM for ArcGIS Enterprise.

Create an Autodesk Platform Services application for ArcGIS GeoBIM

Follow these steps to create an Autodesk Platform Services (APS) application for ArcGIS GeoBIM.


If you have an existing APS application that meets the requirements for ArcGIS GeoBIM, you can use that application by adding the callback URL for your portal.

  1. Sign in to Autodesk Platform Services:
  2. Type an app name of your choice, select Traditional Web App for Application Type, and click Create.
  3. Select the required APIs from the API Access menu and provide the application information in the description text box.
    • Autodesk Construction Cloud API
    • Autodesk BIM 360 API
    • Data Management API
    • Design Automation API
    • Model Derivative API
    • Premium Reporting API
  4. Replace the default callback URL (http://localhost:8080/) with your server information and Portal oauth callback URL:

    You can replace with https://* to authorize multiple servers on the same domain.

    After creating the app, take note of the client ID and secret.

Authorize the APS application for the Autodesk Construction Cloud account

This step requires account admin rights to the Autodesk account to be connected to ArcGIS GeoBIM.

  1. Follow the steps in Scenario 1—Provision Access for Your Own App in the Autodesk Platform Services help.
  2. Enter the Client ID created in the above step for the APS Client ID in step 7.

Do not use Scenario 2 - Provision Access for a 3rd Party App in the APS help.

Download the ArcGIS GeoBIM setup

To download ArcGIS GeoBIM, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to My Esri with your Esri account that is associated with your customer number.
  2. Click My Organizations and click Downloads.


    If you are using the Classic My Esri site, click My Organizations and click Downloads.

    If you're a member of multiple organizations, ensure the name and customer number of the organization you want to work with appear at the top of the page. If they don't, click Organization List and choose a different organization. Then click Downloads.

    Based on the customer number, all the products that are available to you are listed.

  3. Find the ArcGIS Enterprise product where you want to deploy ArcGIS GeoBIM and click View Downloads.

    For example, ArcGIS Enterprise Windows 11.4.

    ArcGIS GeoBIM is supported on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 and later.

  4. Expand the Apps section.
  5. Click Download for the ArcGIS GeoBIM setup and save it to your machine.

Install ArcGIS GeoBIM

You can install ArcGIS GeoBIM on Windows or Linux machines.

Install ArcGIS GeoBIM on Windows

Once ArcGIS GeoBIM has been downloaded, install the software on the machine where your Enterprise portal is installed.

  1. Browse to the downloaded installation file, extract the archive file, and double-click the setup.exe file.

    The setup program detects the ArcGIS GeoBIM components on your machine and verifies that you have the proper components installed. If the required components are not detected, the program closes. See software requirements for more information.

  2. Follow the directions in the installation wizard, including reading and accepting the license agreement. If you do not agree with the terms, you cannot complete the installation.

    The default installation directory is based on the installation directory of Portal for ArcGIS and cannot be changed.

Install ArcGIS GeoBIM on Linux

Once ArcGIS GeoBIM has been downloaded, install the software on the machine where is installed.

  1. Sign in to your machine as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Browse to the downloaded installation file and extract the archive file.
  3. Run the setup command ./

Once ArcGIS GeoBIM has been successfully installed, it must be authorized before you can use it. An authorization file can be obtained from your administrator or from Esri Customer Service.

Update the Autodesk.json file

After the installation is complete, enter the Client ID created in the Create an Autodesk Platform Services application for ArcGIS GeoBIM section above to the .json file at \apps\geobim\autodesk.json, then restart the Portal for ArcGIS service.