Use search and discover

ArcGIS 11.0    |

Using the search functionality, you can perform an interactive search and selection of available imagery from an enterprise imagery catalog service. You can also set search settings, preview imagery, view image metadata, and queue images for further use.

Access Search and Discover

Search and Discover can be accessed from the following in ArcGIS Excalibur:

  • On the ArcGIS Excalibur home page, click Find Through: Search and Discover.
  • From anywhere in the application, click Search in the side menu.

Once the Search and Discover is open, set an active imagery service layer to begin your search experience.

Select an active layer

Before performing a search, an active layer must be set. A list of enabled image service layers are available in the Browse Collections panel located at the top-right of the search map within the Browse Layers option. You can also use the Browse button to browse available layer collections to perform search and discovery if no layers have been connected to yet.

To select an active layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Browse or Browse Layers to open the Browse Collections panel.

    The Browse Collections Panel will open with the Saved Layers tab open by default.

  2. Switch to the Available Layers tab or the Add from Web tab.

    The Available Layers tab will display all available layers within your organization that you can use for search and discovery. The Add from Web tab allows you to input an imagery web service URL to connect to the layer.

  3. Within the Available Layers tab, you can search for a specific layer using the search bar at the top of the layer list. The list will dynamically change based on the text entered. Click Search to filter the list based on the name of the layer you entered or clear the search text to display all the layers again.
  4. Connect to a layer from the Available Layers tab or the Add from Web tab by clicking the Connect Layer button.

You can change the connected active layer at any time by following steps 1-3 again. Any existing results and filters will be reset when a new layer has been selected. You can also save the current connected layer so it will appear in the Saved Layers tab in the Browse Collections panel by using the Save Options and clicking Current search layer.

Once an active layer is set, you can search for imagery within your organization as described below.

Search by map extent

You can search on the active imagery service layer using your current map extent.

  1. Pan and zoom to an area of interest in the imagery catalog map.


    The default basemap and map extent of the imagery catalog can be set in My Settings.

  2. Click the Run Search button.

    If images exist in the active imagery layer, the map pans and zooms to the extent of the results, footprints appear on the map, and results are listed on the Search Results tab.

Search by area of interest geometry

A search can be performed on a defined area of interest geometry. See Apply an area of interest filter for more information.

Search by saved search query

When you need to search against the same imagery on a regular basis, you can create saved search queries against your search settings and active imagery layer. This allows for a single-click search and discovery at a later time. At a minimum, you need to enter a name for your saved query. Optionally, you can provide a brief summary of the query.

To create a saved search query, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Search and Discover.
  2. Apply the search settings you want your imagery to search against.

    Optionally, you can click Run Search to see a list of your search results before proceeding to the next step.

  3. Once you apply the settings of your choice, click the Save Options button, and then click Active query settings .

    The Create a New Saved Query dialog appears.

  4. Provide information about your query:
    • Name (required)
    • Description

    The query filters you selected appear in a list under Query Filters to Save.

  5. Click Save to save your query. Click Reset to clear the Create a New Saved Query dialog box. Additionally, click Close to return to Search and Discover.

Your query saves and appears in the My Saved Queries list.

My Saved Queries

The My Saved Queries list contains any saved queries on an active layer or all the saved queries on imagery layers you previously had saved queries. Clicking My Queries opens the queries you saved on the current imagery layer you are connected to. You can click Show all saved queries to see all the queries you saved across multiple imagery layers.

Use a query to search for imagery

To use the My Saved Queries list to search for imagery, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Search and Discover.
  2. Click My Queries.

    The My Saved Queries list opens to the saved queries you saved on the active layer.

  3. Locate the query you want to search against and click Run this query and update search results.

    Your results appear in the Search Results list and on your imagery.

  4. If applicable, repeat steps 1 through 3 for the All Saved Queries list.

Running a saved query on an imagery layer that is not the active imagery layer will clear the Results tab, change the map extent, and update the active imagery layer to the imagery layer defined in the query.

Preview saved query details

You can preview a query before you run a search. To use the My Saved Queries list to view details about your saved query, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Search and Discover.
  2. Click My Queries.

    The My Saved Queries list opens to the saved queries you saved on the active layer.

  3. Locate the query you want more information on and click Show more details for this saved query.

    The query expands revealing the search settings that are saved in that query.

  4. If applicable, repeat steps 1-3 for the All Saved Queries list.

Delete a saved query

You can delete a query if it is no longer applicable. To delete your saved query, complete the following steps:

  1. Open Search and Discover.
  2. Click My Queries.

    The My Saved Queries list opens to the saved queries you saved on the active layer.

  3. Locate the query you want to delete and click Delete this saved query.

    A message appears asking you to confirm your deletion.

  4. Click Delete. Click Cancel to return to the My Saved Queries list.
  5. If applicable, repeat steps 1 through 4 for the All Saved Queries list.

You can delete all saved queries by clicking the Delete All button in the upper right corner of the My Saved Queries view