What is an imagery project?

ArcGIS 10.9    |

In ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7, ArcGIS Excalibur introduced a new portal item type called an Excalibur Imagery Project. An imagery project is a dynamic way to organize and reference resources that are required to complete an image-based task in a single location. The way in which projects are organized helps to modernize a collection of resources from a local repository of information to those that can extend across an organization's enterprise, using shared services and resources as part of the Web GIS.

Imagery projects are created, viewed, and used in ArcGIS Excalibur. Imagery projects contain information to give users an understanding of what the project is about, such as a name, description, date created, project creator, and project instructions. The sections below describe a few of these items.


The basis of all imagery projects is an image or set of images that you need to complete an image-based task. Project instructions help guide you through your task by describing what needs to be accomplished. Additionally, projects can include geospatial reference layers to provide context for the imagery task, as well as a set of tools to streamline image-based workflows. An imagery project can contain the following resources:


If a project contains an editable collection layer, content can be created directly in hosted feature services to be readily available across the organization for use in additional applications.

Project capabilities

Imagery projects can be edited to add and remove capabilities at any time. The type of capabilities you add to your project determines which tools are available in the tools panel to help streamline the imagery-based task. For example, adding observation layers to a project provides a workflow for collecting observations from imagery, including resources for making observations, editing, and creating derived information products from these activities. These layers provide observation tools in the tools panel when you open your imagery project.


Imagery projects can be personal projects that are available and private to only you as the project creator. You can share your project with your organization to allow multiple members to work on it. You can decide whether you want to share your project when you create it. In addition, you can share the imagery project with specific groups within your organization in the portal.