Antarctic Imagery

2024    |
Antarctic Imagery map

This map provides 15-meter TerraColor imagery for the polar region of Antarctica.

Map Service Name: Antarctic_Imagery


The Antarctic Imagery map is not included with Collection 1.


The Antarctic Imagery map is designed to be used as a basemap for overlaying other data for the Antarctic region. The Antarctic Imagery map includes imagery from 90 to 50 degrees south latitude, though the projection will support display of data to lower latitudes.


Source: Earthstar Geographics

Coordinate system

WGS 1984 Antarctic Polar Stereographic (WKID 3031)

Map service data format

Map server cache in JPEG format


Coverage is provided in World Standard (Collection 2) and World Advanced (Collection 3) from ~1:902,590,245 down to ~1:110,179.