Publish basemap and reference layer services

2024    |

Using ArcGIS Server Manager, you can publish a service definition file (.sd) as a service. The service definition is uploaded to the server as part of the publishing process. You don't have to copy it to the server first.

To publish a service definition using ArcGIS Server Manager, follow these steps for each service you want to create:

  1. Open ArcGIS Server Manager and sign in.
  2. Click Services > Manage Services > Publish Service.
  3. Browse to CollectionX_source_documents > service_definitions on the ArcGIS Data Appliance data collection, for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP\CollectionX_source_documents\service_definitions, where CollectionX is the number or letters of the ArcGIS Data Appliance collection for your product option.

    If you plan to publish to ArcGIS Server 10.9.1, you should use the service definitions located in the service_definitions_10 folder. Also, for Terrain3D, a service definition file is no longer used; Terrain3D publishing steps are provided at the end of this topic.

    ArcGIS Data Appliance 2024 service definitions include services as follows:

    Map services


      Map services are on the following collections depending on your product option: Collection1 (World Basic), Collection2 (World Standard), Collection3 (World Advanced), Collection4 (North America Standard), or Collection5 (North America Advanced). World Basic and North America collections do not include the Antarctic or Arctic services.

      If you want to view the Citations for the World Imagery map service, you must Configure ArcGIS Server to use the source documents directories before you publish This process is not necessary for the World_Imagery service included with World Basic (on Collection1).
    Image services

      If you plan to publish the Terrain3D service, you must have the ArcGIS Image Server installed.


      Image services are on the following collections depending on your product option: Collection1 (World Basic), Collection2 (World Standard), Collection3 (World Advanced), Collection4 (North America Standard), or Collection5 (North America Advanced).


      For Terrain3D on ArcGIS Server, a service definition file is no longer used; Terrain3D publishing steps are provided at the end of this topic.

  4. Select the service definition you want to publish, for example,, and click Open.

    Service definitions from Collection 3

  5. Click Next.

    Select the service definition file with file.

  6. By default, the service definition is published to the server folder specified in the service definition configuration. You must publish the service definition to this root folder.
  7. If Build cache automatically when service starts is checked, uncheck it.

    Specify properties for World_Imagery map service.


    It is recommended that all your service names match the names of the service definition file; you should not change a service name to a different name.

  8. Optionally, choose the GIS server cluster that will host the published service definition.

    To learn more, see Upgrade a multiple-cluster site for Windows.

  9. Click Next.
  10. Optionally, choose to enable or disable capabilities for your service definition.

    Capabilities options to enable or disable

  11. Click Publish to publish the service definition as a service.

    The new service appears in the list of available services.

    Service info for new World_Imagery map service

    The publishing process uses the first directory in the server's list of cache directories. You need to change it to the ArcGIS Data Appliance cache directory that was previously created.

  12. Click the Stop button Stop to stop the service.
  13. Click the Edit button Edit to edit the service properties.
  14. Click Caching, and change the cache directory setting to reference the ArcGIS Data Appliance collection, for example, \\ARCGISDATAAPP\CollectionX_cache, where X is the number of the collection.

    Caching info for World_Imagery map service

  15. Click Save to save your changes, and click the Start button Start to restart the service.
  16. Repeat this process for any other map services you want to publish.

Publish Terrain3D on ArcGIS Server

To publish the Terrain3D service on ArcGIS Server, complete the workflows below. You need ArcGIS Desktop Standard or Advanced along with ArcGIS Image Server to publish Terrain3D.

Edit the paths in the .json file

When ArcGIS Data Appliance is deployed in your network, the paths for the cache and source documents directories in the .json file need to be updated.

In the following steps, the server-ip value is the network IP or server name of the data appliance, and CollectionX is the collection where the Terrain3D service is located: Collection1 (World Basic), Collection2 (World Standard), Collection3 (World Advanced), Collection4 (North America Standard), or Collection5 (North America Advanced).

Complete the following steps to update the paths:

  1. In a text editor, browse to .\Terrain3D_11\JSON and open Terrain3D.ImageServer.json.
  2. Find and replace \\\\server-ip\\CollectionX_cache with \\\\user-server-ip\\CollectionX_cache, where user-server-ip is the network IP or server name of ArcGIS Data Appliance, and CollectionX is the collection where the Terrain3D image service is located.
  3. Find and replace \\\\server-ip\\CollectionX_source_documents with \\\\user-server-ip\\CollectionX_source_documents, where user-server-ip is the network IP or server name of ArcGIS Data Appliance, and CollectionX is the collection where the Terrain3D image service is located.

    Ensure that the paths contain double backslashes (\\\\).

  4. Save the changes.

Register data stores

Complete the following steps to register the data stores for Terrain3D:

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Server using the ArcGIS Data Appliance data account with administrator privileges.
  2. Start Server Manager and sign in using your Primary Site Administrator account.
  3. Click the Site tab.
  4. From the Server Configuration tab, click Data Stores.
  5. Click the Register drop-down arrow and choose Folder.
  6. Provide a value for the Name parameter, for example, Terrain3D.

    Edit Folder dialog box

  7. For Publisher Folder Path, use \\<server-ip>\CollectionX_source_documents\Terrain3D_11, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of ArcGIS Data Appliance, and CollectionX is the collection where the Terrain3D image service is located.

    You do not need to specify a name for Publisher Folder Hostname or Server Folder Path.

  8. Click Create to register the directory.

Publish the .json file using ArcGIS REST administrator

Follow the steps below to publish the \Terrain3D_11\JSON\Terrain3D.ImageServer.json file using ArcGIS REST administrator.

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory using the URL https://<server name>:6443/arcgis/admin.

    ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory

  2. Click services to view the available services under the root folder.
  3. Click CreateService.

    ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory Services

    The Create Service page appears.

  4. Copy and paste the contents of Terrain3D.ImageServer.json into the Service (in JSON format) field.

    ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory Create Service page

  5. Click Create to complete the publishing of the Terrain3D service.

    The Terrain 3D service is ready to use.

For more information about ArcGIS Server 11.2, see Share a service with your ArcGIS organization using Server Manager in the ArcGIS Server 11.2 help by clicking Manage services > Work with services.

For more information about ArcGIS Server 11.1, see Share a service with your ArcGIS organization using Server Manager in the ArcGIS Server 11.1 help by clicking Manage services > Work with services.

For more information about ArcGIS Server 11.0, see Share a service with your ArcGIS organization using Server Manager in the ArcGIS Server 11.0 help by clicking Manage services > Work with services.

For more information about ArcGIS Server 10.9.1, see Share a service with your ArcGIS organization using Server Manager in the ArcGIS Server 10.9.1 help by clicking Manage services > Work with services.