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Set up OSM Vector Basemaps (new user)

For information about what's included with OSM Vector Basemaps, see OSM Vector Basemaps content.


Before you proceed, review the system requirements to confirm that you can deploy OSM Vector Basemaps on your system.

Once you confirm that the system requirements are met, the workflow to set up OSM Vector Basemaps is as follows:

  1. Upload the package to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal
  2. Publish the hosted tile layer (service)
  3. Publish tile layers (map styles)
  4. Share tile layers (map styles)


OSM Vector Basemaps includes two vector tile packages (.vtpk) on the flash drive. The OSM_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk file is in the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WMA) projection. The OSM_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk file is in the WGS84/GCS (GCS) tiling scheme. The following steps reflect the sharing process of the WMA vector tile package. To share the GCS package, you need to enter the correct .vtpk file name for the input package as well as take the GCS naming into consideration when publishing the hosted tile layer. The OSM Vector Basemaps styles in the GCS directory already take the GCS naming into account in the metadata files.

Upload the package to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal

First, you need to copy the entire USB flash drive contents to your local computer if you have not already done so.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and select Set As Active Portal.

    Set As Active Portal


    You must sign in and connect to your portal before you proceed. You cannot enter your portal user name and password when using the Share Package tool later in these instructions. The tool obtains your credentials from ArcGIS Pro.

  2. Create a project.
  3. Select the Analysis tab, and select Tools in the Geoprocessing group.

    Analysis tab with Tools option

    The Geoprocessing pane appears.

  4. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for Share Package, and select the Share Package (Data Management Tools) tool from the search results.

    Geoprocessing pane with Share Package search results

  5. On the Share Package dialog box, provide the following:
    1. For Input Package, provide the path to the vector tile package, for example, C:\Projects\OSM_Vector_Basemaps_2022\VTPK\OSM_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk.
    2. For Summary, type OSM Vector Basemap for Data Appliance 2022.
    3. For Tags, type 2022, v2.


    Do not change the Credits parameter value and do not check the boxes to share with Everybody or Within Organization.

    Share Package tool dialog box

  6. Select Run.

    It will take approximately 30–120 minutes to upload the package to your portal. A Share Package Uploaded Successfully message appears in the Share Package window once the upload is complete.

  7. Through your portal, confirm that the .vtpk file uploaded successfully.
    1. Open a web browser and sign in to your portal.

      The OSM_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install tile package is located in the root folder.

    2. Confirm that the Size value of the tile package is 40,143 MB and Shared with indicates that the item is not shared.

    Your item should look like the following:

    OSM Vector Basemap WMA tile layer item

  8. Note:

    If the size is not 40,143 MB, delete the item and upload the OSM_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install tile package again. You may want to discuss the problem with your portal administrator.

    For the OSM_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install tile package, if the size is not 39,991 MB, delete the item and upload it again.

    See the Troubleshooting OSM Vector Basemaps topic for more information.

Publish the hosted tile layer (service)

Now you'll publish the OSM Vector Basemap hosted tile layer service from your portal.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
    Your account must have publishing credentials.
  2. In My Content, go to the item page for the vector tile package (OSM_Vector_Basemap_DA2022_Install.vtpk) you uploaded to your portal.
  3. Click Publish, change the title to OSM_Vector_Basemap_v2, and click Publish again.

    Publish dialog box for .vtpk map item


    For the GCS tile package (OSM_Vector_Basemap_GCS_DA2022_Install.vtpk), change the title to OSM_Vector_Basemap_GCS_v2.


    It will take 30–120 minutes to create the hosted layer, depending on your system configuration.

    The OSM_Vector_Basemap_v2 hosted tile layer is created.

    Item list showing OSM Vector Basemap hosted tile layer

Publish tile layers (map styles)

You'll publish your map styles next.

The VectorStylePublisher geoprocessing toolbox can be run in ArcGIS Pro. This toolbox publishes 10 new tile layers to your portal.

These instructions assume that the toolbox and VectorBasemapStyles folder are on your local computer.

Path with toolbox and styles on local computer


You must have a portal account assigned to the default publisher or administrator role, or your account must be assigned to a custom role that has privileges to create content and publish hosted tile layers.

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal, and select Set As Active Portal.
  2. Create a project.
  3. Select the View tab, select Catalog View in the Windows group, right-click Toolboxes, and select Add Toolbox.

    View tab with Catalog view showing Toolboxes options

  4. Browse to the location on your local computer where you copied the contents of the USB flash drive, select VectorStylePublisher.tbx, and select OK.

    Add Toolbox pane with VectorStylePublisher.tbx selected on local computer

    The VectorStylePublisher toolbox is added to the project.

  5. Double-click Toolboxes and double-click VectorStylePublisher.tbx.

    Catalog tab with VectorStylePublisher.tbx added

  6. Double-click the Vector Style Publisher script.

    Catalog tab with Vector Style Publisher script selected

  7. On the Vector Style Publisher dialog box, select the Parameters tab and provide the following:
    Vector Style Publisher dialog box
    1. For Folder containing vector styles, browse to the location of the VectorBasemapStyles folder on your local computer, for example, C:\Projects\OSM_Vector_Basemaps_2022\VectorBasemapStyles\WMA\WMA_NewUser.
    2. For Vector Tile Service URL, provide the URL of the OSM Vector Basemap hosted tile layer, for example,

      The vector tile service URL is found in the URL section of the OSM_Vector_Basemap_v2 hosted tile layer item page. Click the Copy button and paste the URL in the Vector Tile Service URL parameter text box.

      Item page with Copy icon

    3. For Metadata folder name, keep the default name metadata.

      If you are using a portal with PKI authentication, expand PKI Authorization and provide values for the PKI_Certificated_file_(.pfx) and PKI Private Password parameters.

      PKI Authorization

      If you are using a portal with Linux LDAP authentication, expand Linux LDAP and provide values for the Sign In Username and Sign In Password parameters.

      Linux LDAP authorization

    4. Click Run.

The 10 vector tile layers (map styles) are created in your assigned ArcGIS Enterprise account. You can view the items in My Content. Twelve items are listed: 10 vector tile layers, the .vtpk file, and the hosted tile layer.

Share tile layers (map styles)

The items created are private unless you check the Share vector style web layers publicly check box to make them public.

Vector Style Publisher dialog box with Share vector style web layers publicly box checked

Alternatively, you can select the map items in your portal and change the sharing settings.

Map item sharing in the geoprocessing tool


Delete protection for all items is applied upon publishing the tile layers. To change the protection setting, open the item and click the Settings tab. Under Delete Protection, uncheck Prevent this item from being accidentally deleted and click Save.

Settings tab with Delete Protection box checked

Once you set up OSM Vector Basemaps, you can do the following: