CityEngine Scripting Interface
The CityEngine scripting interface is based on Jython, a Java implementation of Python. Current version is 2.7.0.
CityEngine comes with a special Jython module scripting containing CityEngine specific commands (see list of classes)
Jython supports almost all modules of the standard Python library. In addition, Jython can include arbitrary Java classes to extend its functionality. Please see the Jython website for more details.
2021.1 changelog
Status | Commands |
New | Added IFCExportModelSettings and IFCImportSettings to export and import BuildingSMART IFC files. |
New | Added CGAMATExportModelSettings to export materials to the CityEngine material format. |
New | |
New | AlignTerrainSettings: Added get/setBorderEasing, get/setBorderGradient, get/setBorderRange, and get/setSmoothBorders. |
New and Deprecated | AlignTerrainSettings, and ResetTerrainSettings: Added get/setTerrainLayer and deprecated get/setTerrain. |
New and Deprecated | AlignGraphSettings, AlignShapesSettings, and AlignStaticModelSettings: Added get/setHeightmapLayer and deprecated get/setHeightmap. |
New and Deprecated | GrowStreetsSettings: Added get/setEnvironmentSettingsHeightmapLayer and get/setEnvironmentSettingsObstaclemapLayer and deprecated get/setEnvironmentSettingsHeightmap and get/setEnvironmentSettingsObstaclemap. |
2021.0 changelog
Status | Commands |
New | Added DWGImportSettings and DWGExportModelSettings to import and export Autodesk DWG files. |
New | Added GenericPRTImportSettings to import files via custom PRT decoders. |
New | The functions CE.isSynchronized and CE.unsynchronize have been added to work with Feature Services on ArcGIS portals. |
New | USDExportModelSettings gained two new functions get/setFileType to get/set the USD file format (.usdc or .usdz). |
New | The CleanupShapesSettings class gained two new functions get/setSplitSelfintersectingPolygons to control if self intersecting polygons should be split. |
New | The RenderSettings class gained two new functions get/setTerrainMasking to control how overlapping terrains are rendered. |
Changed | The functions "makeDefaultObject", "makeScenarioObject" and "removeFromScenario" have been renamed to CE.makeLayerDefaultObject, CE.makeLayerScenarioObject and CE.removeLayerFromScenario to reflect changes in the scenario system. |
Removed | Removed RIBExportModelSettings to reflect the removal of the Renderman RIB exporter. |
2020.1 changelog
Status | Commands |
New |
Added USDImportSettings to import Universal Scene Description files. |
New |
Added method CE.publishPortalItem and connected settings PortalPublishSettings to publish an already uploaded item on a portal. |
New | RPKExportSettings.get/setCompatibility control compatibility with ArcGIS Pro. |
New | The methods UnrealExportModelSettings.get/setExportLod, get/setLODAttribute, and get/setLODOrder were introduced to control creation of authored Levels of Detail. |
Changed |
Added PASS as value for get/setFacesWithHoles on FBXExportModelSettings to keep holes on FBX files. |
Changed |
The methods get/setCommaSeparatedListOfStreetClasses and get/setStreetClassAttribute on ComputeEdgeAttributesSettings were renamed to get/setCommaSeparatedListOfStreetCategories and get/setStreetCategoryAttribute. |
2020.0 changelog
Status | Commands |
New | Added MSPKExportSettings to export Mobile Scene Packages. |
New | Added USDExportModelSettings to export Universal Scene Description files. |
Changed | The methods UnrealExportModelSettings.get/setUseTextureAtlas were introduced to control creation of texture atlases in contrast to individual texture files. |
Changed | The method ImageExportTerrainSettings.setFilename was renamed from setFileName for consistency. |
Changed | The method TPKExportSettings.get/setOutputPath were renamed from get/setPath for consistency. |
2019.1 changelog
Status | Commands |
Changed | The return type of getAttribute for arrays was changed from dict to list. |
New | The old behavior of getAttribute for arrays returning a dict can be obtained through the deprecated function CE.getAttributeArrayAsDict. |
New | SPKMeshExportModelSettings has option get/setFileSize to influence the file size. Users familiar with the i3s specification can use get/setMaxDepth to directly set the maximum tree depth alternatively. |
Removed | The option get/setLayerTextureEncoding was removed from SPKMeshExportModelSettings in favor of the size functions above. |