Align streets to terrain

CityEngine 2021.1    |    |  

You can use the Align streets to terrain tool Align streets to terrain tool to align graph networks to a terrain (map layers with attribute elevation defined) or to the y=0 level. You can access the tool in the following ways:

  • Click the Align streets to terrain tool Align streets to terrain tool in the main toolbar.
  • Click Graph > Align streets to terrain in the main menu.

Non-aligned graph network
Non-aligned graph network
Graph network aligned to a terrain
Graph network aligned to a terrain


The following parameters control the alignment:

Align function

The alignment function to apply to the nodes of the graph.

  • Project All: Projects all nodes onto the terrain
  • Project Below: Projects the nodes located below the terrain only.


The terrain to align the graph. All map layers with an "elevation" attribute plus the y=0 level are listed here.


The offset to add after alignment to the y-coordinate of the nodes.

In this topic
  1. Settings