Configuring a network utility service

Available with Business Analyst license.

The Business Analyst web app leverages network utility services to provide drive time and walk time study areas for reports and infographics. These services can be easily configured in Portal for ArcGIS to use cloud based services from ArcGIS Online or they can published to ArcGIS Server using the Business Analyst Streets data.

Configure ArcGIS Online network utility services

  1. Sign in to the portal website as an Administrator of your organization and click through to My Organization > Edit Settings > ArcGIS Online.
  2. Select the Network service.
  3. Enter the credentials for the ArcGIS Online account to be used for credit consumption.
  4. Click Configure.
Configuring Network Services in

The utility services you select will be configured with the portal. An item is created in the portal that stores the ArcGIS Online account credentials with it. Each item is shared with the portal's organizational members at the time it is created. You can view the items or edit their sharing properties in My Content.

Publish Network Utility Services to ArcGIS Enterprise

The Publish Routing Services utility allows you to publish directions, routing, and logistics services based on a network dataset to your ArcGIS Server. These services can be used to perform route, closest facility, service area, location-allocation, origin destination cost matrix, or vehicle routing problem analyses on transportation networks. If your ArcGIS Server is federated with Portal for ArcGIS, the services are configured as utility services with your portal. Once published, the services can be used with ArcGIS Desktop applications such as ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap, or in the Map Viewer application available with ArcGIS Enterprise to get directions and perform analysis. The services are similar to directions and routing services available with ArcGIS Online, but are based on your own network dataset.


To use this utility, your ArcGIS Server site needs to have an ArcGIS Network Analyst extension license.

Data requirements

You can use this utility with a network dataset that is available as part of StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS or with your own network dataset. Before running the utility, the network dataset should be copied (in the same directory path) to all the machines participating in your GIS Server site.


While you can keep the network dataset in a shared location that is accessible to all of the machines in your GIS Server site, it is recommended to copy the network dataset locally on each machine for best performance when running the services.

If your StreetMap Premium data is licensed, you need to install the appropriate data license on each machine before running this utility. Follow the instructions for installing the data license on Linux or Windows.

The utility supports network datasets from StreetMap Premium 2015 Release 1 or later.


Older versions of StreetMap Premium network datasets (including the network datasets in SDC format) are not supported.

If you are using your own network dataset, it must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Has at least one time-based and one distance-based cost attribute
  • Defines at least one travel mode
  • Stored in a file geodatabase
  • Supports directions


The following parameters are available when running the script:



User name for a user with publisher or administrative privileges in the ArcGIS Server site. If the site is federated with a portal, the user must be a portal user and can have administrative privilege or a publisher privilege that allows publishing web tools and publishing server-based layers. If the site is not federated, the user must have administrative privileges. If your site is configured with web-tier authentication, specify a built-in user, such as the primary site administrator account or the initial administrator account in your portal.


The password of the user who was specified with the -u parameter.


The fully qualified domain name of the machine running ArcGIS Server, such as, or the local URL to your ArcGIS Server site in the format


The fully qualified domain name of the machine, such as, where Portal, to which your ArcGIS Server site federates with, is installed. The value can also be a local URL to the portal in the format A value for this option is required only if the ArcGIS Server that will host the routing services is federated with the portal.


The full path to the network dataset. Along with the path to the file geodatabase, the path should also include the name of the network dataset and the name of the feature dataset containing the network dataset. For example, a value for this option can be c:\data\Streets.gdb\Routing\Routing_ND on Windows and /data/Streets.gdb/Routing/Routing_ND on Linux where Streets.gdb is the file geodatabase that has a network dataset named Routing_ND in a feature dataset named Routing.


Path to a folder where the utility will create the service definition files for the services and a log file named publishroutingservices.log that includes the details about the execution as well as any errors that might be encountered.


Prints help for the utility.

Example usage

The ArcGIS Server install includes a script that will help to publish a network service which can be used for routing by the Business Analyst Server service. This script is installed to <ArcGIS Server Install Location>/ArcGIS/Server/Tools/PublishRoutingServices and is named

In this example, the user has installed the Business Analyst data to the E drive and they want to use the network that is provided with the Business Analyst 2020 data: -s -P -u PortalAdminUser -p PortalAdminPassword -n "C:\ArcGIS\Business Analyst\US_2020_server\Data\Streets Data\NorthAmerica.gdb\Routing\Routing_ND" -o E:\RoutingSDs