Use Community Health Assessment

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The Community Health Assessment solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you plan community health survey areas, collect survey responses from random households, and monitor key indicators as the assessment occurs.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Plan survey areas

The Community Health Assessment is based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) framework. The CASPER framework uses a randomized sampling methodology to determine in which areas community surveys should be conducted to produce a result that is representative of the entire study area.

Typically, in this specific CASPER methodology, a Community Health Assessment is conducted using 30 survey areas or clusters within the survey area. These clusters are commonly defined by census blocks as the geographic unit. The clusters are randomly selected, with the number of households given a higher weight, which increases the chance of a census block being selected. Once the clusters are defined, interview teams will select seven households in each survey area to conduct survey assessments. This workflow will guide you through the process of defining the survey areas (clusters).

Plan and create survey areas

You will start by assuming the role of an epidemiologist or GIS analyst who will create the survey areas within the area of interest to define where the assessments will be conducted.

  1. Download and open the Community Health Assessment Planner ArcGIS Pro project and sign in using your ArcGIS organizational account.
  2. On the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog and click Catalog Pane.
  3. In the Catalog pane, expand Tasks and double-click the Getting Started Task.
  4. Complete all steps in the Add Survey Area step.

    This task provides an overview of the process to add a Survey Areas layer that is deployed with the solution. The layer will have a broken reference, which you will point to the deployed hosted feature layer.

  5. In the Catalog pane, expand Tasks and double-click Plan Survey Areas.
  6. Complete all steps in the Plan Survey Areas task.
  7. This task guides you through the process of identifying a geography, creating the random 30 areas based on census blocks included in the project, and sharing the results to be used in other apps.

Assign teams

Once the survey areas are defined, you can assign teams to conduct the surveys within the selected survey areas. The Community Health Assessment Manager allows you to assign teams to the survey areas from the previous task.

Assign teams and notify team members

You will now assume the role of a community assessment manager or team lead who needs to assign teams and notify team members in their survey areas.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Community Health Assessment Manager app.
  2. Select a record in the table that you want to assign a team.
  3. Review the details of the survey area and click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the pane.
  4. Change the Team value to a team in the drop-down list. Optionally, add more comments on this survey area.
  5. Click Save.

    Once a team is assigned, you can notify individual teams of their duties and monitor progress.

  6. Click the Send Survey Info button.
  7. This button opens an email that can be sent to team members who will conduct the assessments in the field.

Conduct health assessment surveys

Team members conduct assessments in the field at defined intervals (using the CASPER methodology) based on the number of housing units in each survey area.

Conduct surveys in your survey area

You will now assume the role of an interview team member who will conduct surveys in the field using your mobile device. The team manager has previously assigned you to a team.


The default survey has many questions that may not be related to your assessment. See the Configure Community Health Assessment topic to learn how to modify the survey.

  1. Open the email sent by the team manager, as described in the previous step.

    The instructions indicate the number of surveys and how surveys must be conducted.

  2. Click the first hyperlink to open a map of the assigned survey area.

    This hyperlink is used to help you ensure you are conducting assessments in the assigned survey area. You can use the GPS on the map to verify your location and determine whether you are currently within the assigned survey area.

  3. Click the second hyperlink to access the survey.
  4. If this is the first time conducting the survey, click the Download button to download the Survey123 field app.
  5. Sign in to ArcGIS Survey123.
  6. Expand the Identification and physical location information.
  7. Fill in all information in this group.
  8. Expand the Demographic and functional needs section.
  9. Fill in all information in this group.
  10. Scroll down to the end of the survey.
  11. Make sure to choose a value for Survey Status End.
  12. Click the green check mark in the lower right to submit the survey.

The Survey123 app allows you to complete the surveys offline. The email from the team manager automatically fills in the team, housing units, and survey area ID when using the app with the steps described above . However, a browser version of the Community Health Assessment Survey can also be used if the app is not installed.

Complete an incomplete survey

In some cases, the person you are interviewing may be unwilling or unable to complete the survey in one visit and may agree to finish the survey at a later time or date. In this case, you can complete a survey you submitted that is incomplete.

  1. Open the Survey123 app.
  2. Select the incomplete Community Health Assessment Survey.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click Sent.

    This option will only appear if you have submitted surveys with the value of Incomplete.

  4. Fill in the remaining information in the survey and submit.

Monitor assessment progress

Now, you will assume the role of the assessment manager or team leader who wants to monitor progress of the assessments being captured in the field. The CASPER toolkit has specific criteria defined for cooperation rates, contact rates, and completion goals. The traditional goal is to complete 80 percent of the surveys expected. This dashboard will help you determine whether you are reaching those metrics and whether the teams are completing their work.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Community Health Assessment Progress Dashboard.
  2. Open the Community Health Assessment Progress Dashboard app.

    The app opens with an overview of the current status.

  3. Review the list of teams and click a team in the chart to see the dashboard update.
  4. Select the other charts to monitor the progress of the health assessment.

Visualize key metrics from the assessment

The demographic and functional needs section of the survey is particularly useful to executives who want a quick glance of their community. Visualizing the demographic information will help determine whether the demographic you have surveyed aligns with the overall makeup of the community. In addition, key metrics such as monitoring rent and mortgage payments or access to healthy foods are vital health indicators.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Community Health Assessment Dashboard app.
  2. Open Community Health Assessment Dashboard.

    The app opens with an overview of the key indicators captured in the field.

  3. Review the Age Distribution chart and click a specific age category to see the dashboard update.
  4. Select the other charts to monitor the progress of the health assessment.

View detailed survey results

The demographic dashboard shows only a portion of what could be captured during assessments. Epidemiologists may prefer to highlight different information from the survey. You can create a dashboard or modify the demographic dashboard to see these results. In addition, you can export these results to share in other software applications.

  1. In a browser, go to My Surveys and sign in.
  2. Click Community Health Assessment Survey.
  3. Click the Analyze tab.
  4. Scroll down to examine the various questions that were asked during the survey.
  5. In the upper left, search for a key term of another question collection such as COVID.
  6. Click the Data tab.
  7. Click the Export drop-down menu and export to an Excel file.