Configure utility network environment

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To prepare for implementation of the utility network, follow the steps below to create a single-user environment.

If you extended your model using any of the steps in the Configure data model topic, and it resulted in a new asset package being created, you will reference that newly created asset package anywhere it discusses a source asset package.

Project and remove sample data

Use the Change Asset Package Spatial Reference tool to copy the schema of the asset package, adjust the spatial reference, and generate a new asset package without data.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand the System toolbox section, expand the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox, and expand the Asset Package toolset. Click the Change Asset Package Spatial Reference tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Asset Package, specify the source asset package geodatabase.
    2. For Output Spatial Reference, specify the spatial reference you want to apply to the asset package.
    3. For Folder Location, set to the location where you want to save your new asset package.
    4. For Package Name, specify the name of the output asset package.
    5. If you will be using LRS/APR, click the Environments tab, and enter appropriate values.
  3. Click Run.

Load data

The following workflows provides steps to load your data into a utility network.

Load service territory

It is not required to load or sketch the extent of your data into the ServiceTerritory class in the asset package, but it is good practice and simplifies future steps.

  • Using the Append tool, load an existing polygon into the ServiceTerritory class in the asset package created in the previous step. No attributes are required.
  • If you do not have a polygon that represents your service area, add the ServiceTerritory class to a new map and using the Create Feature window, sketch in a new polygon. Make sure to save your edits when complete.

Append source data

There are multiple ways to load data into the asset package. Review the options below and select one appropriate for you.


If you want to migrate reference, nonnetwork data, consider storing that data in additional feature classes and tables. Unless it needs to be returned in a trace or be a part of the network index, it should be located outside the utility network. Examples of nonnetwork data are parcel boundaries, road centerlines, sidewalks, and so on.

  • Use the output of the Create Simple Data Mappings tool to create a Data Loading workspace with the Create Migration Workspace tool.
  • Build a data loading workspace using the Data Loading toolset within the Data Management toolbox.
  • Use the Append tool within the Data Management toolbox.
  • Build your own geoprocessing model using the Data Management toolbox tool and field calculations.
  • Use the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension to build a workbench.
  • Use an Esri Business Partner's solution.

Create utility network environment

Use the Asset Package to Geodatabase tool in the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox to create a geodatabase, stage the utility network and apply the domain network or networks, related layers, and related tables.

During the apply process, ArcGIS Pro locks layers in the maps. For optimal performance, close all open maps, save your project, and restart ArcGIS Pro. When the project loads, there will be no active maps and ArcGIS Pro won't lock layers while Apply Asset Package is running.

  1. If not already open, open the ArcGIS Pro project file provided with the solution.
  2. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand the System toolbox section, expand the Utility Network Package Tools toolbox, and expand the Asset Package toolset. Click the Asset Package to Geodatabase tool.
  3. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Asset Package, specify the source asset package to be used.
    2. For Service Territory Feature Class, specify the feature class that contains your service territory.

      If you loaded your service territory into the ServiceTerritory feature class within the asset package, this field will be auto populated for you.

    3. Expand Geodatabase Options. Adjust the Workspace Type, Folder Location, Geodatabase Name, Feature Dataset Name, and Utility Network Name parameters. Or you can accept the defaults.
    4. Expand Asset Package Options. For Domain Networks, ensure that all domains are selected.
    5. If the asset package contains a D_Configurations table, review the configurations and check all the configurations that you want to include in the target geodatabase.
    6. If the asset package contains a D_Rename table, select a rename option that you wish to use to rename values in the target geodatabase.
    7. For Load data, check copy data from the asset package into the target geodatabase.
    8. For Post Process, ensure it is not checked.
  4. Click Run.

Configure editing map

Included with the Sewer Utility Network Foundation solution is a map titled Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types.This map allows you to explore the asset types and asset groups associated with the asset package. It can also act as the starting point to create an editing map. Use the steps below to help you expand the map to fit your organizational needs.

If you are using the Expanded model as your base, you can use the map titled Sewer Expanded Network Asset Types in any subsequent steps.

Update data sources

Use the Update Data Sources tool in the Utility Data Management Support toolbox to update the layer's data source.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand the Project toolbox section, expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and expand the Map toolset. Click the Update Data Sources tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Target Workspace, select the geodatabase that was created in the Create utility network environment section above.
    2. For Maps, check Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types.
  3. Click Run.

    Review any warnings and manually correct the layers using their properties page.

Add utility network topology

The network topology is the engine of a utility network. This is where all the features and objects that represent each component of a utility are connected into a network that you can use to analyze your system. This topology needs to be added to your editing map to use the utility network functionality.

  1. In the Catalog pane, browse to the newly created utility network geodatabase.
  2. Locate the utility network controller dataset and drag it onto the Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types map.
  3. Select Yes when asked if you would like to add all classes that participate.

    By selecting yes, it will add any feature classes that participate in the topology and don't already exist in the map.

Add validation classes

Adding data validation classes to the editing map in ArcGIS Pro is a useful way to ensure the accuracy and integrity of your data. Data validation classes are used to define rules and constraints that the data must adhere to during the editing and migration process. These rules can include requirements such as valid attribute values, geometric relationships, or logical consistency. By applying data validation classes, you can prevent errors and inconsistencies in your data, improving its quality and reliability. This is particularly important when working with large datasets or when multiple users are involved in the editing process. Follow the steps below to add validation classes.


Validation classes will only be present if you have batch validation rules in your database. If you do not have validation rules you can skip adding them to your project.

  1. In the Catalog pane, browse to the newly created utility network geodatabase.
  2. Locate the validation feature classes (GDB_ValidationLineErrors, GDB_ValidationObjectErrors, GDB_ValidationPointErrors, and GDB_ValidationPolygonErrors) and drag them into the Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types map.

Use provided data reviewer rules


This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed in order to work with the solution.

The Essentials asset package includes a set of predefined data reviewer rules. These rules are meant to be a starting point for checking data migration and used prior to the enabling of topology. If the model was extended or changed, the rules may need to be adjusted or changed. See the Data Reviewer documentation for additional information on how to use these rules.

These rules were designed to be used for the migration of data. It is up to the end user to decide whether they should be kept for the purposes of editing workflows once migration is complete and topology is enabled.

Only the Essentials asset package includes prepackaged data reviewer rules.

Enable topology

A network topology is enabled to perform tracing of network features and to use network diagrams. When enabled, dirty areas are generated for features where edits are made. These dirty areas are used during the validation of the network topology to ensure it is kept up to date. The network topology for a utility network is enabled using the Enable Network Topology geoprocessing tool.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand the System toolbox section, expand the Utility Network Tools toolbox, and expand the Administration toolset. Click the Enable Network Topology tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Input Utility Network, select the utility network topology from your utility network geodatabase you created in the previous section.
    2. Expand Advanced Options. Increase the Maximum number of errors, if needed.
  3. Select Run.

Adjust symbology and pop-ups

The Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types map comes with a predefined set of symbology and pop-ups for the Essential model. If you expanded or changed the model, you will need to adjust the map to accommodate for those changes.

Configure utility network map layers


This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed in order to work with the solution.

The Configure Utility Network Layers tool within the Utility Data Management Support toolbox is used for customizing the information displayed in pop-ups and controlling the visibility of features in utility network layers. It allows you to enhance the user experience and improve the efficiency of data editing and analysis within the utility network. To modify pop-ups and display filters in the map using the Configure Utility Network Layers tool, you can follow these steps:

  • Rule Pop-up——Adds an entry to the pop-up listing the valid rules the record can connect to.
  • Category Pop-up——Adds an entry to the pop-up listing the record's assigned network categories.
  • Category Display Filter——Adds display filters to show/hide features with the assigned network categories.
  • Subnetwork Pop-up——Adds an entry to the pop-up listing the record's assigned subnetworks and parent subnetworks.

    Subnetwork pop-ups are only valid for partitioned networks.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand the Project toolbox section, expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and expand the Map toolset. Click the Configure UN Layers tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Pro Project, this can be left blank, as it will use the active project.
    2. For Map Name, select the map that contains the pop-ups you want to modify.
    3. For Options, select the options that you want to add to the pop-up.
    By default, the tool will add the selected options, but if the Remove Options check box is checked, the tool will remove the selected options rather than add them.
  3. Click Run.

Modify map layers

As you develop your editing map, you may find that you need to explore and modify field parameters for certain asset types. Use the Map Layers to CSV and Set Field Properties from CSV tools in the Utility Data Management Support toolbox to explore and modify the map layers as needed.

  1. In the Geoprocessing pane, expand the Project toolbox section, expand the Utility Data Management Support toolbox, and expand the Map toolset. Click the Map Layers to CSV tool.
  2. In the tool, set the following parameters:
    1. For Pro Project, it can be left blank, as it will use the current project by default.
    2. For Map, select the Sewer Essentials Network Asset Types map.
    3. For Output folder, select where the CSV file will be output to.
  3. Click Run.

The exported CSV file will contain properties and information about the layers in the map properties. The columns Field Alias, Field Visibility, Read Only, and Search Mode can be updated with new values and then the Set Field Properties from CSV tool can be used to transfer those values back to the map.

Add industry attribute rules


This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed in order to work with the solution.

The Essentials asset package does not provide any preconfigured attribute rules for managing attributes. If you are interested in adding rules such as asset ID calculation or symbol rotation, you can use this GitHub page to learn how to apply and configure those rules.