Use hyperlinks in pop-ups

AllSource 1.3    |

Hyperlinks can be applied to image, chart, and text elements to add information to pop-ups. You can click the linked element in the pop-up window to open a web page, document, or other information.

Insert a hyperlink as a text element

Complete the following steps to add a hyperlink as text:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the layer with the pop-up and click Configure Pop-ups Configure pop-ups.
  2. In the Configure Pop-ups pane, click the Text button Text to add it to the pop-up.
  3. Click the Edit button Edit Pop-up Element to edit the text element.
  4. Position the pointer at the link location and click the Hyperlink button Hyperlink from the list of buttons at the top of the pane.
  5. For URL, provide a URL or path to the item you want to open or display when the text is clicked in the pop-up window.
    • Provide a full path to the item, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\imageName.jpg or file:///C:\Users\temp\OperationsSchedule.docx.
    • Provide a relative path to the item, for example, ..\..\imageFile.png.
    • Provide a base path and get the remaining portion of the path from an attribute table field, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\{Hyperlink_FieldName}. You can also use "mailto:"{EmailAddressField}.
    • Include the source URL in an attribute table field and reference the field as {FieldNameWithLinks}.
    • Use an Arcade expression that can be referenced by name as {expression/expression0}.
  6. For Description, provide the text you want displayed as a link and click Apply.
  7. Optionally, specify and format additional text.
  8. Click the Back button Back on the Text Options tab in the Configure Pop-ups pane to save your edits.

Insert a hyperlink as a chart element

Complete the following steps to add a hyperlink to charts:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the layer with the pop-up and click Configure Pop-ups Configure pop-ups.
  2. In the Configure Pop-ups pane, click the Chart button Chart to add it to the pop-up.
  3. Click the Edit button Edit Pop-up Element to edit the chart element.
  4. Position the pointer at the link location and click the Hyperlink button Hyperlink from the list of buttons at the top of the pane.

    Chart elements accept hyperlinks in the Title and Caption sections.

  5. For URL, provide a URL or path to the item you want to open or display when the chart is clicked in the pop-up window.
    • Provide a full path to the item, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\imageName.jpg or file:///C:\Users\temp\OperationsSchedule.docx.
    • Provide a relative path to the item, for example, ..\..\imageFile.png.
    • Provide a base path and get the remaining portion of the path from an attribute table field, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\{Hyperlink_FieldName}. You can also use "mailto:"{EmailAddressField}.
    • Include the source URL in an attribute table field and reference the field as {FieldNameWithLinks}.
    • Use an Arcade expression that can be referenced by name as {expression/expression0}.
  6. For Description, provide the text you want displayed as a link and click Apply.
  7. Optionally, specify and format additional text in the Title and Caption sections.
  8. Click the Back button Back on the Chart Options tab in the Configure Pop-ups pane to save your edits.

Insert a hyperlink as an image element

Complete the following steps to add a hyperlink to an image:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the layer with the pop-up and click Configure Pop-ups Configure pop-ups.
  2. In the Configure Pop-ups pane, click the Image button Image to add it to the pop-up.
  3. Click the Edit button Edit Pop-up Element to edit the image element.
  4. Position the pointer at the link location and click the Hyperlink button Hyperlink from the list of buttons at the top of the pane.

    Image elements accept hyperlinks in the Title and Caption sections.

  5. For URL, provide a URL or path to the item you want to open or display when the image is clicked in the pop-up window.
    • Provide a full path to the image, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\imageName.jpg or file:///C:\Users\temp\OperationsSchedule.docx.
    • Provide a relative path to the item, for example, ..\..\imageFile.png.
    • Provide a base path and get the remaining portion of the path from an attribute table field, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\{Hyperlink_FieldName}. You can also use "mailto:"{EmailAddressField}.
    • Include the source URL in an attribute table field and reference the field as {FieldNameWithLinks}.
    • Use an Arcade expression that can be referenced by name as {expression/expression0}.
  6. For Description, provide the text you want displayed as a link and click Apply.
  7. Optionally, specify and format additional text in the Title and Caption sections.
  8. For Source URL, provide a URL or path to the image you want displayed in the pop-up window.
  9. For Hyperlink, provide a URL or path to the item you want displayed when the link is clicked.
  10. Click the Back button Back on the Image Options tab in the Configure Pop-ups pane to save your edits.

Insert a hyperlink as an attachment element

Complete the following steps to add a hyperlink to an image:

  1. In the Contents pane, right-click the layer with the pop-up and click Configure Pop-ups Configure pop-ups.
  2. In the Configure Pop-ups pane, click the Attachments button Attachment to add it to the pop-up.
  3. Click the Edit button Edit Pop-up Element to edit the attachment element.
  4. Position the pointer at the link location and click the Hyperlink button Hyperlink from the list of buttons at the top of the pane.

    Attachment elements can accept hyperlinks in the Title and Caption sections.

  5. For theURL property, provide a URL or path to the item you want to open or display when the image is clicked in the pop-up window.
    • Provide a full path to the image, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\imageName.jpg or file:///C:\Users\temp\OperationsSchedule.docx.
    • Provide a relative path to the item, for example, ..\..\imageFile.png.
    • Provide a base path and get the remaining portion of the path from an attribute table field, for example, \\machineName\sharedDirectory\{Hyperlink_FieldName}. You can also use "mailto:"{EmailAddressField}.
    • Include the source URL in an attribute table field and reference the field as {FieldNameWithLinks}.
    • Use an Arcade expression that can be referenced by name as {expression/expression0}.
  6. For the Description property, provide the text you want displayed as a link and click Apply.
  7. Optionally, specify and format additional text in the Title and Caption sections.
  8. Click the Back button Back on the Attachment Options tab in the Configure Pop-ups pane to save your edits.