Set preset parameters for commands

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Preset parameters can be set for some embedded commands. When commands are embedded, the window panes of the commands are embedded in the Tasks pane when a task step runs.

Learn more about embedding commands

When commands are embedded during step configuration, preset parameters are available in the Task Designer pane under Command/Geoprocessing. To view and populate preset parameters, set the command for the step and click the Edit button Editable on the command action bar.

Preset parameters are only available in the Task Designer pane and are not available when the step runs. For example, when embedding the Create command Create Features, the Filter and Group By preset parameters are available. These parameters can be preset to control how the feature list is displayed in the embedded Create Features window when the step runs.

The sections below describe examples of commands that have preset parameters when they are embedded in the Task Designer pane.


The Locate command Locate on the Map tab loads the Locate pane. Use the Locate pane to search for places on the map.

Embed the Locate command to load the Locate pane in the Tasks pane when a step runs. When the Locate command is embedded, two preset parameters become available in the Task Designer pane under Command/Geoprocessing.

Preset parameters

The Locate command has the following preset parameters:

  • Search

    Optionally, type a preset address, place-name, or set of x,y coordinates in single-line format. The Locate pane automatically searches for the specified location when the step runs. You can also configure the Locate pane to search for a feature.

  • Locate providers

    Enable or disable the locate providers you want to use for your search.


The Create command Create Features on the Edit tab loads the Create Features pane. Use the Create Features pane to create features using feature templates.

Learn more about the Create Features pane

Embed the Create command to load the Create Features pane in the Tasks pane when a step runs. When the Create command is embedded, two preset parameters become available in the Task Designer pane under Command/Geoprocessing.

Preset parameters

The Create command has the following preset parameters:

  • Filter

    Filter the list of feature templates displayed in the embedded Create Features pane. For example, you can filter the feature templates list by typing a geometry type or a search word that matches the template name.

  • Group By

    Group the list of feature templates displayed in the embedded Create Features pane. You can group the feature templates by layer or by geometry type.

Raster Functions

The Raster Functions command on the Imagery tab loads the Raster Processing pane. Use the Raster Functions pane to process and analyze imagery and raster data.

Learn more about the Raster Functions pane

Embed the Raster Functions command to load the Raster Functions pane in the Tasks pane when a step runs. When the Raster Functions command is embedded, one preset parameter becomes available in the Task Designer pane under Command/Geoprocessing.

Preset parameters

The Raster Functions command has one preset parameter:

  • Filter

    Filter the list of functions displayed in the embedded Raster Processing pane. You can filter the list of functions by typing a search word that matches a function name.