Add a map

AllSource 1.3    |

You can provide additional visual context to a report by including a map. This is done by adding a map frame to a Report Header or Footer, Group Header or Footer, or Details subsections.

When added to the Report Header or Report Footer subsection, the map frame is static. The initial scale of the map may change to preserve the defined extent. You can manually modify this once it has been added to the subsection.

When placed in a Group Header, Group Footer, or Details subsection, a map frame is dynamic. It updates to reflect the geographic extent of the feature or features in that subsection—for example, all features included in a group or the single feature of focus in the Details subsection. This change occurs regardless of the map chosen.

  • Dynamic map frames cannot be added to reports originating from stand-alone tables.
  • Map frames cannot be added to Page Header or Page Footer subsections.

Add a map to a report subsection

To add a map frame to a report subsection, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the subsection in the report view or select it in the Contents pane to activate the subsection.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Map Frame group, click Map Frame New Map Frame.

    A gallery showing all maps and scenes in the project appears. All maps and scenes with their associated bookmarks are listed. If the view is open, the current extent is also listed.

  3. Choose the view to use in the map frame.
  4. Drag a box inside the active subsection to place the map frame.

    The map frame is added to the subsection, and a preview of the chosen extent appears.


    The initial scale of the map may change to preserve the defined extent.

Change the map in the map frame

To change the map referenced by a map frame, complete the following steps:

  1. Double-click the map frame or right-click it in the Contents pane, and choose Properties.

    The Element pane appears.

  2. On the Options tab Options, under Map, choose a different map or scene from the drop–down menu.

    When you change the map referenced by a map frame, the map draws at the default extent.

If the map is static, you can right-click the map frame and click Activate Activate Map Frame to adjust the extent. Alternatively, right-click a map frame and click Zoom To Last Active Map Zoom to Map View to update the map frame's extent to match that of the last map view you interacted with.

To work in the static map outside of the report view, open the map directly from the map frame. Right-click a map frame and click Open Open. The map or scene view opens.

Modify the properties of a map frame

Once a map frame has been added to a report, you can change its appearance and properties in the Element pane.

  1. Double-click or right-click the map frame in the report subsection, and click Properties Properties.
  2. Update the map frame properties such as the name, display options, border, background, shading, and placement.

    The constraints of the map frame can be set in the same manner as those in a layout.

Clip a map to report features

Once a map frame has been added to a Group Header, Group Footer, or Details subsection of a report, you can further restrict it to show the polygon features within the area of the current index feature only. For example, if you add a map to the Group Header of a report of world countries grouped by continent, the map can show those countries that fall within each continental grouping only.

To clip a map to report features, complete the following steps:

  1. Double-click or right-click the map frame in the report subsection, and click Properties Properties.
  2. In the Element pane, on the Display Options page, check the Clip to index feature check box.


    This option is only available when the report data source is a polygon feature in a map. 3D scenes and feature layers that are not polygons are not supported.

    When exporting the report, only the polygon features within the area of the current index are shown in the map frame.