Map frame constraints

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Maps on a layout exist within map frames, which are containers for maps. A map frame can point to any map or scene in your project. The map frame and the map view are independent, so zooming or panning in the map frame does not affect any open map views. Map frame constraints allow you to set limits on the map extent. For example, you may only be interested in a geographic subset of your data and want to limit the map to that area. Or you may want to derive the map extent of one map frame, such as an inset map, based on a different map frame.


While the map extent in a map frame and a corresponding map view are independent, the contents of the map are not. A map frame in a layout is the same as having another map view open. For example, if you select features on a map, those features are selected in all open views of that map, including any map frames. Likewise, if you turn a layer off in one view, it turns off in all views. Layer properties cannot be set per view.

Set a map frame constraint

Update the map extent of a map frame by activating it and using the map navigation tools to pan and zoom to the desired extent.

To learn how to activate a map frame, see Work with a map on a layout.

  1. To set map frame display constraints, ensure that the layout is the active view.
  2. In the Contents pane, right-click the map frame and click Properties to open the Element pane.
  3. In the Element pane, on the Display Options tab Display Options, choose the map frame constraint.

    3D scenes cannot have fixed constraints. Map frame constraints in scenes are always limited to None.

Standard map frame constraints

The following map frame constraints can be applied to a 2D map frame:


No constraints on the map frame. There are no limitations on the type of navigation allowed when the map frame is activated.

Fixed extent

Sets the map frame to the map extent. Navigation is unavailable when the map frame is activated, and if you resize the map frame, the map scale changes to keep the extent. The fixed extent can be the current extent of the map (default) or the full extent of a layer in the map. You can also add a margin to set a fixed buffer between the extent and the map frame edge.

Fixed center

Sets the map frame center point. Zooming and rotating around the point are allowed when the map frame is activated, but panning is unavailable. If you resize the map frame, the map scale and extent update to keep the center point the same. You can set the center point to be the center of the current map (default) or the center of a layer in the map.

Fixed center and scale

Sets the map frame center point and scale. Zooming and panning are unavailable when the map frame is activated. If you resize the map frame, the map extent updates to keep the map scale and center the same.

Fixed scale

Sets the map frame scale. Panning and rotating are allowed when the map frame is activated, but zooming is unavailable. If you resize the map frame, the map extent updates to keep the map scale constant.

Multiple map frame constraints

If the layout contains more than one map frame, additional map frame constraints become available. These additional constraints enable one-directional links between two map frames that tie their views together. Each constraint allows you to select the map frame to which to link the current map frame. This selected map frame is called the linked map frame. If you update the extent of the linked map frame, the map frame where the constraint is set updates automatically.

The following are additional constraints:

Linked map frame extent

Sets the current map frame to match the extent of the linked map frame. Navigation is unavailable when this map frame is activated.

In the Layer drop-down menu, you can select a layer in the current map frame to be an intersecting layer. This means the extent of the current map frame includes the boundary of all features within the linked map frame extent. For example, if you set US States as an intersecting layer and your linked map frame includes all US counties, when you zoom into a county in New York, your current map frame zooms to the extent of New York. Add a margin to set a fixed buffer between the extent and the map frame edge.

Linked map frame center

Sets the current map frame to match the center of the linked map frame. Zooming is allowed when the map frame is activated, but panning and rotation are not.

In the Layer drop-down menu, you can select a layer in the current map frame to be an intersecting layer. This means the extent of the current map frame includes the boundary of all features within the linked map frame extent. For example, if you set US States as an intersecting layer and zoom to an area of New York, your current map frame zooms to the extent of New York. Add a margin to set a fixed buffer between the extent and the map frame edge.

Linked map frame center and scale

Sets the current map frame to match the center and scale of the linked map frame. Zooming and panning are unavailable when the map frame is activated.

Linked map frame scale

Sets the current map frame to match the scale of the linked map frame. Panning and rotation are allowed when the map frame is activated, but zooming is not.

Map series constraints

Additional constraints are also available if a layout contains a spatial map series. The Map series constraint is automatically applied to the map frame containing the index layer and cannot be removed. Other map frames in the layout can have any of the standard or linked map frame constraints applied as well as an additional constraint.

Map series

Sets the map frame to the extent of the index feature. This is automatically applied to the map frame containing the index layer and cannot be removed. To customize the extent used, set the extent options for a map series.

Linked map series shape

Sets the map frame to the extent of the index feature.

In the Layer drop-down menu, you can select a layer in the current map frame to be an intersecting layer. This means the extent of the current map frame includes the boundary of all features within the linked map frame extent. For example, if your map series index layer is Major Cities and you set US States as an intersecting layer, on the page for New York City, your current map frame zooms to the extent of New York. Add a margin to set a fixed buffer between the extent and the map frame edge.

Linked map series center

Sets the map frame to the center of the index feature.

In the Layer drop-down menu, you can select a layer in the current map frame to be an intersecting layer. This means the extent of the current map frame includes the boundary of all features within the linked map frame extent. Add a margin to set a fixed buffer between the extent and the map frame edge.

If you do not select a layer from the Layer drop-down menu, the extent centers on the map series feature at the scale specified in the Scale drop-down. The scale is constant for each page in the map series.