Table options

AllSource 1.3    |

Table options control the appearance of tables and whether or not you can interactively add rows in a feature class attribute table. These are application settings that apply to all projects.

Set options for adding rows

You can add stand-alone rows to feature class attribute tables. Click the Click to add new row option in the attribute table.

You cannot add stand-alone rows to the following feature layer types because their features require geometry:

To prevent the addition of new rows, follow these steps to make adding new rows unavailable:

  1. On the ribbon, click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click the Table tab.
  3. Under the Set options for adding new rows heading, check Hide the 'Click to add new row' option for feature class tables to hide the Click to add new row option when working with feature class attribute tables. The default setting is unchecked.

Set options for selection and highlight

Control the color used in the table and map to denote selection as well as highlighting. To return to the default colors, click the Reset button Reset.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click the Table tab.
  3. Under the Set options for selection and highlight heading, check Honor selection color overrides to apply overrides of the selection color, as set in the project selection options or layer properties, to tables.

    The default setting is unchecked.

  4. To override the highlight color used in both maps and tables, select a color from the Set the highlight color for maps and tables drop-down color picker.

Set options for table appearance

Control the default appearance of a table by changing the font and size and the row and column header heights. To return to this default table appearance, click the Reset button Reset.

Change the default table font

Choose the font and the font size to customize the default appearance of a table.

Follow these steps to define the default appearance of new tables:

  1. On the ribbon, click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click the Table tab.
  3. Under the Set options for table appearance heading, expand the Table Font header.
  4. Choose a font and size.

Define column header and row heights

Change the height of column headers and rows in tables. For height, single means space equivalent to a single line of text. Double means the row will be twice the height of the font and contain space equivalent to two lines of text. Data in a cell is aligned to the top while text in a column header is centered vertically.

Follow these steps to define the size of columns and headers in a table:

  1. On the ribbon, click the Project tab and click Options.
  2. On the Options dialog box, under the Application heading, click the Table tab.
  3. Under the Set options for table appearance heading, expand the Columns and rows header.
  4. Choose a Column Header Height setting and Row Height setting of Single, Double, or Triple.

    All tables in the project update to display the new spacing. Change the configuration of individual tables on the Table ribbon.

Set options for map navigation

Enable the Activate the map view after using Flash, Pan, or Zoom from the table option to simultaneously bring a hidden map view into view, activate it, and perform the chosen option when navigating from a table that is in a map.

Set options for filtering tables

You can apply a filter to a table upon opening it for the first time. This is helpful when working with large datasets, as it restricts the table query to a filtered dataset allowing the query to return a result and open the table faster.


This filter is applied to a table only the first time it is opened after adding it to a map. Once a table is open, the filters are persisted until manually changed.

Three filters are available. You can enable one or more of the following: