Change the default setting for building pyramids and calculating statistics

AllSource 1.3    |

When you choose to build pyramids, they are created for the whole dataset, including all bands.

Pyramid information will be written to the proxy file location if the file or folder is read-only.

When you choose to calculate statistics, it allows for better display and allows you to perform certain tasks, such as applying a contrast stretch or classifying your data.

To set the default pyramid building behavior, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Project tab.
  2. Click the Options tab.
  3. Click Raster and Imagery.
  4. Click Raster Dataset.
  5. For pyramid settings, click the Build pyramid dialog settings drop-down arrow and choose your default setting:
    • Always prompt for pyramids
    • Always build pyramids
    • Never build pyramids
  6. For statistics settings, click the Calculate statistics dialog settings drop-down arrow and choose your default setting:
    • Always prompt for statistics
    • Always calculate statistics
    • Never calculate statistics
  7. Click OK.