Configure snapping

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Snapping List By Snapping is a configurable drawing aid that controls the accuracy of the pointer when you hover near a vertex, an endpoint, or other geometric element. Configurable settings include the snapping tolerance, snapping to 3D features and unfinished geometry, and the appearance of snap tips.

Set the snapping tolerance

The snapping tolerance is the 2D XY planar distance between the pointer and a geometric element within which an enabled snap agent snaps the pointer. The default snapping tolerance is 10 pixels. You can change the distance and choose pixels or map units.

The optimal snapping tolerance distance depends on the scale of your data and the complexity of the features in your map. If you need to further refine snapping, consider isolating snapping to specific layers by using the List By Snapping tab in the Contents pane.


To change the snapping tolerance on-screen with the pointer, hover over Snapping List By Snapping on the status bar, and click Set snapping tolerance Snapping Tolerance.

To type a tolerance distance and set the units to pixels or map units, complete the following steps.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Manage Edits group, click Editor Settings Editor Settings.

    Or, in the Snapping group, click the Snapping drop-down arrow List By Snapping and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings.

    Alternatively, hover over Snapping List By Snapping on the status bar at the bottom of the active map, and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings on the pop-up menu.

    Snapping Settings

    The Editor Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Snapping tab on Editor Settings dialog box, and expand General.
  3. Click the XY tolerance box, type the tolerance distance, and choose Pixels or Map units.
  4. To reset snapping settings to the default values, click Reset Page.
  5. Click OK.

Snap to unfinished features

When Snap to sketch is enabled, snapping also snaps the pointer to unfinished feature geometry.

  1. Hover over Snapping List By Snapping on the status bar at the bottom of the active map or scene, and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings.
    Snapping Settings

    Or, on the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Snapping group, click the Snapping drop-down arrow List By Snapping, and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings.

    Alternatively, on the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Manage Edits group, click Settings Configure tool feedback options.

  2. Click the Snapping tab on Editor Settings dialog box, and expand General.
  3. Check the Snap to sketch check box to snap to unfinished feature geometry when you draw feature geometry.
  4. To reset snapping settings to the default values, click Reset Page.
  5. Click OK.

Enable Z snapping

The Z snapping tolerance is the vertical distance within which the enabled snap agent snaps to a z-value. The tolerance is specified in meters. If Z snap is enabled, the pointer's z-height is set to the z-value of the geometric element to which it snaps. This can be a 3D surface or other z-aware feature.


Uncheck z-snapping if z-values are specified with elevation settings. This ensures that the pointer snaps to the x-, and y- coordinates of existing feature geometry.

  1. On the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Manage Edits group, click Editor Settings Editor Settings.

    Alternatively, hover over Snapping List By Snapping on the status bar at the bottom of the active map, and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings on the pop-up menu.

    Snapping Settings


    Snapping settings are also available on the ribbon in the Snapping group. Click the Snapping drop-down arrow List By Snapping and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings.

    The Editor Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Snapping tab on Editor Settings dialog box, and expand General.
  3. Check the Z Snap check box to enable z snapping.

    This setting is locked on for 3D global, local, and stereo scenes.

  4. To reset snapping settings to the default values, click Reset Page.
  5. Click OK.

Configure snap tips

Complete the following steps to configure snap tips:

  1. Hover over Snapping List By Snapping on the status bar at the bottom of the active map or scene, and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings.
    Snapping Settings

    Or, on the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Snapping group, click the Snapping drop-down arrow List By Snapping, and click Snapping Settings Snapping Settings.

    Alternatively, on the ribbon, click the Edit tab. In the Manage Edits group, click Settings Configure tool feedback options.

  2. Click the Snapping tab on the Editor Settings dialog box, and expand Snap tips.
  3. Change one or more of the following settings:

    Layer name

    Check the check box to display the layer name to which an active snap agent is snapping.

    Snap type

    Check the check box to display the snap agent that is actively snapping.

    Snap tip color

    Click the drop-down arrow and choose a color for the snap tip text.

  4. To reset snapping settings to the default values, click Reset Page.
  5. Click OK.