LastMileDelivery input data types

AllSource 1.3    |

The input data types that can be specified when performing a last mile delivery analysis are described below.

The minimum requirements for the Last Mile Delivery solver are one order and one route. Each order and route must have a unique name. The earliest start time, the earliest start date, and the maximum total time are required for each route and can be specified using the EarliestStartTime, EarliestStartDate, and MaxTotalTime attributes on the Routes feature class. These three values can alternatively be specified as the earliestRouteStartTime, earliestRouteStartDate, and maxRouteTotalTime properties of the analysis object.


These are the orders that will be used as input for the last mile delivery analysis. These are the final customer locations where the routes deliver the packages, or the initial customer location where they are picking up packages for shipment.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the order.

The name must be unique. Order names are case sensitive and cannot be empty, even if the order is excluded from the solve operation.

This field acts as a primary key and is used as a foreign key to refer to orders in the OrderSpecialties table.



The amount of time that will be spent at the network location when the route visits it; that is, the impedance value for the network location. A zero or null value indicates that the network location requires no service time.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



The beginning time of the time window for the order. This field can contain a null value, which indicates no beginning time.

A time window only states when a vehicle can arrive at an order; it doesn't state when the service time must be completed. To account for service time and departure before the time window ends, subtract the ServiceTime value from the TimeWindowEnd field value.

The time window fields (TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd) require the date and time.

The value for this field can be specified using a datetime Python object, such as datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 11, 8, 30, 0), which represents Saturday May 11 2019 8:30:00 AM.

The time zone for the value is specified by the timeZoneForTimeFields property of the analysis object.

Learn more about time windows



The ending time of the window for the order. This field can contain a null value, which indicates no ending time.



A time window is considered violated if the arrival time occurs after the time window has ended. This field specifies the maximum allowable violation time for the time window of the order. It can contain a zero value but cannot contain a negative value. A zero value indicates that a time window violation is unacceptable; that is, the time window is hard. Conversely, a null value indicates that there is no limit on the allowable violation time. A nonzero value specifies the maximum amount of lateness. For example, a route can arrive at an order up to 30 minutes beyond the end of the time window.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



Defines when the item to be delivered to the order will be ready at the starting depot.

The order can be assigned to a route only if the inbound arrive time precedes the route's latest start time value; this way, the route cannot leave the depot before the item is ready to be loaded onto it.

This field can help model scenarios involving inbound-wave transshipments. For example, a job at an order requires special materials that are not currently available at the depot. The materials are being shipped from another location and will arrive at the depot at 11:00 a.m. To ensure a route that leaves before the shipment arrives isn't assigned to the order, the order's inbound arrive time is set to 11:00 a.m. The special materials arrive at 11:00 a.m., they are loaded onto the vehicle, and the vehicle departs from the depot to visit its assigned orders.

The value for this field can be specified using a datetime Python object, such as datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 11, 8, 30, 0), which represents Saturday May 11 2019 8:30:00 AM.


  • The route's start time, which includes service times, must occur after the inbound arrive time. If a route begins before an order's inbound arrive time, the order cannot be assigned to the route. The assignment is invalid even if the route has a start-depot service time that lasts until after the inbound arrive time.

  • The solver honors InboundArriveTime regardless of the DeliveryQuantity_* field values.

  • If an outbound depart time is also specified, its time value must occur after the inbound arrive time.



Defines when the item to be picked up at the order must arrive at the ending depot.

The order can be assigned to a route only if the route can visit the order and reach its end depot before the specified outbound depart time.

This field can help model scenarios involving outbound-wave transshipments. For instance, a shipping company sends out delivery trucks to pick up packages from orders and bring them into a depot where they are forwarded on to other facilities, en route to their final destination. At 3:00 p.m. every day, a semitrailer stops at the depot to pick up the high-priority packages and take them directly to a central processing station. To avoid delaying the high-priority packages until the next day's 3:00 p.m. trip, the shipping company tries to have delivery trucks pick up the high-priority packages from orders and bring them to the depot before the 3:00 p.m. deadline. This is done by setting the outbound depart time to 3:00 p.m.

The value for this field can be specified using a datetime Python object, such as datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 11, 8, 30, 0), which represents Saturday May 11 2019 8:30:00 AM.


  • The route's end time, including service times, must occur before the outbound depart time. If a route reaches a depot but doesn't complete its end-depot service time prior to the order's outbound depart time, the order cannot be assigned to the route.

  • The solver honors OutboundDepartTime regardless of the PickupQuantity_* field values.

  • If an inbound arrive time is also specified, its time value must occur before the outbound depart time.


  • DeliveryQuantity_1
  • DeliveryQuantity_2
  • DeliveryQuantity_3
  • DeliveryQuantity_4
  • DeliveryQuantity_5
  • DeliveryQuantity_6
  • DeliveryQuantity_7
  • DeliveryQuantity_8
  • DeliveryQuantity_9

The size of the delivery. You can specify size in dimensions such as weight, volume, or quantity. If there are multiple delivery quantities, specify them using the DeliveryQuantity_1 through DeliveryQuantity_9 fields as needed.

Enter delivery quantities without indicating units. For example, if a 300-pound object needs to be delivered to an order, enter 300. You will need to remember that the value is in pounds.

Ensure that the Capacity_* fields in the Routes table and DeliveryQuantity_* fields and PickupQuantity_* fields in the Orders table are specified in the same manner. The values must be in the same units, and the fields ending in the same number must correspond to one another. For example, Capacity_4, DeliveryQuantity_4, and PickupQuantity_4 are assumed to describe the same measured quantity with the same units.

If any of the DeliveryQuanity_* fields are used for any orders, none of the PickupQuantity_* fields can be used for any orders in the analysis. The solver supports either all delivery or all pick up orders, but not both.

The default is 0. Delivery quantities can't be negative.


  • PickupQuantity_1
  • PickupQuantity_2
  • PickupQuantity_3
  • PickupQuantity_4
  • PickupQuantity_5
  • PickupQuantity_6
  • PickupQuantity_7
  • PickupQuantity_8
  • PickupQuantity_9

The size of the pickup. You can specify size in dimensions such as weight, volume, or quantity. If there are multiple pickup quantities, specify them using the PickupQuantity_1 through PickupQuantity_9 fields as needed.

These fields are analogous to the DeliveryQuantity_* fields.

If any of the PickupQuanity_* fields are used for any orders, none of the DeliveryQuantity_* fields can be used for any orders in the analysis. The solver supports either all delivery or all pick up orders, but not both.

The default is 0. Pickup quantities can't be negative.



Specifies the anchoring rule for the order, indicating that it must be the first or last order on a route.

The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • Null—The order does not have an anchor constraint and can be sequenced first, last, or anywhere in between. This is the default value.
  • 1 (Anchor first)—The order must be the first order on the route.
  • 2 (Anchor last)—The order must be the last order on the route.

If the order is additionally constrained to a specific route, that can be controlled using the AssignmentRule field.



Specifies the rule for assigning the order to a route. The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • Null—The solver ignores the route preassignment (if any) for the order during the solve operation. It assigns a route to the order to minimize the overall value of the objective function. This is the default value.
  • 1 (Preserve route and relative sequence)—The solver must always assign the order to the preassigned route at the preassigned relative sequence during the solve operation. If this assignment rule can't be followed, it results in an order violation. With this setting, only the relative sequence is maintained, not the absolute sequence. For example, there are two orders: A and B. They have sequence values of 2 and 3, respectively. If you set their AssignmentRule field values to 1, the sequence values for A and B may change after solving because other orders and depot visits can be sequenced before, between, or after A and B. However, B cannot be sequenced before A.
  • 2 (Preserve route)—The solver must always assign the order to the preassigned route during the solve operation. If a sequence value is provided, it will be used for the initial construction of the route. If the order cannot be assigned to the specified route, it results in an order violation.
  • 3 (Unassign)—The order will be removed from the assigned route.



The name of the route to which the order is assigned.

This field is used to preassign an order to a specific route. It can contain a null value, indicating that the order is not preassigned to any route, and the solver identifies the best possible route assignment for the order. If this is set to null, the Sequence field must also be set to null.

After a solve operation, if the order is routed, the RouteName field contains the name of the route to which the order is assigned.

The RouteName field is a foreign key to the Name field in the Routes class.



This indicates the sequence of the order on its assigned route.

This field is used to specify the relative sequence of an order on the route. This field can contain a null value specifying that the order can be placed anywhere along the route.

The input sequence values are positive and unique for each route (shared between depot visits and orders) but do not need to start from 1 or be contiguous.

After a solve operation, the Sequence field contains the sequence value of the order on its assigned route.



Specifies the direction a vehicle may arrive at and depart from the order. The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (Either side of vehicle)—The vehicle can approach and depart the order in either direction, so a U-turn is allowed at the order. This setting can be chosen if it is possible and practical for a vehicle to turn around at the order. This decision may depend on the width of the road and the amount of traffic or whether the order has a parking lot where vehicles can enter and turn around.
  • 1 (Right side of vehicle)—When the vehicle approaches and departs the order, the order must be on the right side of the vehicle. A U-turn is prohibited. This is typically used for vehicles such as buses that must arrive with the bus stop on the right-hand side.
  • 2 (Left side of vehicle)—When the vehicle approaches and departs the order, the curb must be on the left side of the vehicle. A U-turn is prohibited. This is typically used for vehicles such as buses that must arrive with the bus stop on the left-hand side.
  • 3 (No U-Turn)—When the vehicle approaches the order, the curb can be on either side of the vehicle; however, the vehicle must depart without turning around.

The CurbApproach attribute is designed to work with both national driving standards: right-hand traffic (United States) and left-hand traffic (United Kingdom). First, consider an order on the left side of a vehicle. It is always on the left side regardless of whether the vehicle travels on the left or right half of the road. What may change with national driving standards is your decision to approach an order from one of two directions, that is, so it ends up on the right or left side of the vehicle. For example, to arrive at an order and not have a lane of traffic between the vehicle and the order, choose 1 (Right side of vehicle) in the United States and 2 (Left side of vehicle) in the United Kingdom.



The direction in which a point is moving. The units are degrees and are measured clockwise from true north. This field is used in conjunction with the BearingTol field.

Bearing data is usually sent automatically from a mobile device equipped with a GPS receiver. Try to include bearing data if you are loading an input location that is moving, such as a pedestrian or a vehicle.

Using this field tends to prevent adding locations to the wrong edges, which can occur when a vehicle is near an intersection or an overpass, for example. Bearing also helps the tool determine on which side of the street the point is.

Learn more about bearing and bearing tolerance



The bearing tolerance value creates a range of acceptable bearing values when locating moving points on an edge using the Bearing field. If the Bearing field value is within the range of acceptable values that are generated from the bearing tolerance on an edge, the point can be added as a network location there; otherwise, the closest point on the next-nearest edge is evaluated.

The units are in degrees, and the default value is 30. Values must be greater than 0 and less than 180. A value of 30 means that when Network Analyst attempts to add a network location on an edge, a range of acceptable bearing values is generated 15 degrees to either side of the edge (left and right) and in both digitized directions of the edge.

Learn more about bearing and bearing tolerance



This field is only used in the solve process if the Bearing and BearingTol fields also have values; however, entering a NavLatency field value is optional, even when values are present in Bearing and BearingTol. NavLatency indicates how much cost is expected to elapse from the moment GPS information is sent from a moving vehicle to a server and the moment the processed route is received by the vehicle's navigation device.

The time units of NavLatency are the same as the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.


Network location fields

  • SourceID
  • SourceOID
  • PosAlong
  • SideOfEdge

Together, these properties describe the point on the network where the object is located.

Learn more about locating inputs on a network


The input is one or more depots for the given last mile delivery analysis. A depot is a location that a vehicle departs from at the beginning of its workday and returns to at the end of the workday. Vehicles are loaded (for deliveries) or unloaded (for pickups) at depots. For the Last Mile Delivery solver, the routes must all start at the same depot location and must all end at the same depot location. However, the start and end depot locations can be different or can be modeled as virtual depot locations not explicitly specified in the problem.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the depot. The StartDepotName and EndDepotName fields on routes reference the names you provide here.

Depot names are case sensitive and must be nonempty and unique.



Specifies the direction a vehicle may arrive at and depart from the depot. The field value is specified as one of the following integers shown in parentheses (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (Either side of vehicle)—The vehicle can approach and depart the depot in either direction, so a U-turn is allowed at the incident. This setting can be chosen if it is possible and practical for a vehicle to turn around at the depot. This decision may depend on the width of the road and the amount of traffic or whether the depot has a parking lot where vehicles can enter and turn around.
  • 1 (Right side of vehicle)—When the vehicle approaches and departs the depot, the depot must be on the right side of the vehicle. A U-turn is prohibited. This is typically used for vehicles such as buses that must arrive with the bus stop on the right-hand side.
  • 2 (Left side of vehicle)—When the vehicle approaches and departs the depot, the curb must be on the left side of the vehicle. A U-turn is prohibited. This is typically used for vehicles such as buses that must arrive with the bus stop on the left-hand side.
  • 3 (No U-Turn)—When the vehicle approaches the depot, the curb can be on either side of the vehicle; however, the vehicle must depart without turning around.

The CurbApproach attribute is designed to work with both national driving standards: right-hand traffic (United States) and left-hand traffic (United Kingdom). First, consider a depot on the left side of a vehicle. It is always on the left side regardless of whether the vehicle travels on the left or right half of the road. What may change with national driving standards is your decision to approach a depot from one of two directions, that is, so it ends up on the right or left side of the vehicle. For example, to arrive at a depot and not have a lane of traffic between the vehicle and the depot, choose 1 (Right side of vehicle) in the United States and 2 (Left side of vehicle) in the United Kingdom.



The direction in which a point is moving. The units are degrees and are measured clockwise from true north. This field is used in conjunction with the BearingTol field.

Bearing data is usually sent automatically from a mobile device equipped with a GPS receiver. Try to include bearing data if you are loading an input location that is moving, such as a pedestrian or a vehicle.

Using this field tends to prevent adding locations to the wrong edges, which can occur when a vehicle is near an intersection or an overpass, for example. Bearing also helps the tool determine on which side of the street the point is.

Learn more about bearing and bearing tolerance



The bearing tolerance value creates a range of acceptable bearing values when locating moving points on an edge using the Bearing field. If the Bearing field value is within the range of acceptable values that are generated from the bearing tolerance on an edge, the point can be added as a network location there; otherwise, the closest point on the next-nearest edge is evaluated.

The units are in degrees, and the default value is 30. Values must be greater than 0 and less than 180. A value of 30 means that when Network Analyst attempts to add a network location on an edge, a range of acceptable bearing values is generated 15 degrees to either side of the edge (left and right) and in both digitized directions of the edge.

Learn more about bearing and bearing tolerance



This field is only used in the solve process if the Bearing and BearingTol fields also have values; however, entering a NavLatency field value is optional, even when values are present in Bearing and BearingTol. NavLatency indicates how much cost is expected to elapse from the moment GPS information is sent from a moving vehicle to a server and the moment the processed route is received by the vehicle's navigation device.

The time units of NavLatency are the same as the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.


Network location fields

  • SourceID
  • SourceOID
  • PosAlong
  • SideOfEdge

Together, these properties describe the point on the network where the object is located.

Learn more about locating inputs on a network


Specifies one or more routes that describe vehicle and driver characteristics. A route can have start and end depot service times, a fixed or flexible start time, time-based operating costs, distance-based operating costs, multiple capacities, various constraints on a driver's workday, and so on.


Unlike other data types, such as Orders and Depots, this data type is a table and does not include any location information.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the route.

This field is the primary key and is used as a foreign key in the Orders, Depot Visits, and RouteSpecialties classes.

Route names are case sensitive and cannot be empty, even if the route is not part of the solve operation. The name must be unique.



The name of the starting depot for the route. This field is a foreign key to the Name field in the Depots class.

All routes must have the same starting depot. They can all be the same location specified in the Depots class or all left null. The starting depot and the ending depot can be different.

If the StartDepotName value is null, the route will begin from the first order assigned. Omitting the start depot is useful when the vehicle's starting location is unknown or irrelevant to the analysis problem.

Virtual start depots are not allowed if orders or depots are in multiple time zones.

If the route is making deliveries and StartDepotName is null, it is assumed that the cargo is loaded on the vehicle at a virtual depot before the route begins.



The name of the ending depot for the route. This field is a foreign key to the Name field in the Depots class.

All routes must have the same ending depot. They can all be the same location specified in the Depots class or all left null. The starting depot and the ending depot can be different.

If the route is making pickups and EndDepotName is null, it is assumed that the cargo is delivered to a virtual depot after the route ends.



The service time at the starting depot. This can be used to model the time spent loading the vehicle. This field can contain a null value; a null value indicates zero service time.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.

The service times at the start and end depots are fixed values (the StartDepotServiceTime and EndDepotServiceTime field values) and do not take into account the actual load for a route. For example, the time taken to load a vehicle at the starting depot may depend on the size of the orders. The depot service times can be assigned values corresponding to a full truckload or an average truckload, or you can make a time estimate.



The service time at the ending depot. This can be used to model the time spent unloading the vehicle. This field can contain a null value; a null value indicates zero service time.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.

The service times at the start and end depots are fixed values (the StartDepotServiceTime and EndDepotServiceTime field values) and do not take into account the actual load for a route. For example, the time taken to load a vehicle at the starting depot may depend on the size of the orders. The depot service times can be assigned values corresponding to a full truckload or an average truckload, or you can make a time estimate.



The earliest allowable starting date for the route. This is used by the solver in conjunction with the EarliestStartTime field to indicate the earliest date and time the route should start.

Either this field or the earliestRouteStartDate property of the analysis object must be set. If this field is left null, the default value set in the earliestRouteStartDate property will be used for the route.

When using inputs across multiple time zones, the time zone for the EarliestStartDate field is the same as the time zone of the edge or junction where the starting depot is located.

Date Only


The earliest allowable starting time of day for the route. This is used by the solver in conjunction with the EarliestStartDate field to indicate the earliest time and date the route should start.

Either this field or the earliestRouteStartTime property of the analysis object must be set. If this field is left null, the default value set in the earliestRouteStartTime property will be used for the route.

When using inputs across multiple time zones, the time zone for the EarliestStartTime field is the same as the time zone of the edge or junction where the starting depot is located.

Time Only


Indicates how long after the earliest allowed route start time the route can start. The value can be null or zero, which means that there is no flexibility in the starting time, or it can be a positive number.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



The amount of travel time needed to accelerate the vehicle to normal travel speeds, decelerate it to a stop, and move it off and on the network (for example, in and out of parking). By including an ArriveDepartDelay value, the solver is deterred from sending many routes to service physically coincident orders.

The cost for this attribute is incurred between visits to noncoincident orders and depots. For example, when a route starts from a depot and visits the first order, the total arrive/depart delay is added to the travel time. The same is true when traveling from the first order to the second order. If the second and third orders are coincident, the ArriveDepartDelay value is not added between them, since the vehicle doesn't need to move.

For example, there are five coincident orders in a high-rise building, and they are serviced by three different routes. This means three arrive/depart delays are incurred; that is, three drivers need to separately find parking places and enter the same building. However, if the orders can be serviced by one route instead, only one driver needs to park and enter the building, and only one arrive/depart delay is incurred. Since the solver tries to minimize cost, it attempts to limit the arrive/depart delays and identify the single-route option. (Multiple routes may need to be sent when other constraints—such as specialties, time windows, or capacities—require it.)

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.


  • Capacity_1
  • Capacity_2
  • Capacity_3
  • Capacity_4
  • Capacity_5
  • Capacity_6
  • Capacity_7
  • Capacity_8
  • Capacity_9

The maximum amount (for example, volume, weight, or quantity) that can be carried by the vehicle. If there are multiple capacities, specify them using the Capacity_1 through Capacity_9 fields as needed.

Enter capacities without indicating units. For example, if the vehicle can carry a maximum of 40,000 pounds, enter 40000. You need to remember that the value is in pounds.

Ensure that the Capacity_* fields in the Routes class and the DeliveryQuantity_* fields and PickupQuantity_* fields in the Orders class are specified in the same manner. The values must be in the same units, and the fields ending in the same number must correspond to one another. For example, Capacity_4, DeliveryQuantity_4, and PickupQuantity_4 are assumed to describe the same measured quantity with the same units.

Capacities can't be negative. A null value is equivalent to infinity.

The solver only performs a simple Boolean test to determine whether capacities are exceeded. If a route's capacity value is greater than or equal to the total quantity being carried, it is assumed the cargo fits in the vehicle. This may be incorrect, depending on the actual shape of the cargo and the vehicle. For example, the solver allows you to fit a 1,000-cubic-foot sphere into a 1,000-cubic-foot truck that is 8 feet wide. In reality, however, since the sphere is 12.6 feet in diameter, it won't fit in the 8-foot wide truck.



A fixed monetary cost that is incurred only if the route is used in a solution (that is, it has orders assigned to it). This field can contain null values; a null value indicates zero fixed cost. This cost is part of the total route operating cost.



The monetary cost incurred—per unit of work time—for the total route duration, including travel times as well as service times and wait times at orders and depots. This field can't contain a null value and has a default value of 1.0.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



The monetary cost incurred—per unit of distance traveled—for the route length (total travel distance). This field can contain null values; a null value indicates zero cost.

The unit for this field value is specified by the distanceUnits property of the analysis object.



The duration of regular work time before overtime computation begins. This field can contain null values; a null value indicates that overtime does not apply.

For example, if the driver is to be paid overtime when the total route duration extends beyond eight hours, OvertimeStartTime is specified as 480 (8 hours * 60 minutes/hour), given the time units are minutes.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



The monetary cost incurred per time unit of overtime work. This field can contain null values; a null value indicates that the CostPerUnitOvertime value is the same as the CostPerUnitTime value.



The maximum allowable number of orders on the route. A null value indicates that there is no constraint on the number of orders a route can visit in a day.



The maximum allowable route duration. The route duration includes travel times as well as service and wait times at orders and depots.

Either this field or the maxRouteTotalTime property of the analysis object must be set. If this field is left null, the default value set in the maxRouteTotalTime property will be used for the route.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



The maximum allowable travel time for the route. The travel time includes only the time spent driving on the network and does not include service or wait times.

This field can contain null values; a null value indicates that there is no constraint on the maximum allowable travel time. This field value can't be larger than the MaxTotalTime field value.

The unit for this field value is specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.



The maximum allowable travel distance for the route.

This field can contain null values; a null value indicates that there is no constraint on the maximum allowable travel distance.

The unit for this field value is specified by the distanceUnits property of the analysis object.



The name of the zone that will be used for this route to specify its work territory.

The ZoneName field is a foreign key to the Name field in the Zones class.

This field can contain null values, which indicates that there is no route zone for this route.



A Boolean value indicating a hard or soft route zone.

A value of 1 (true) indicates that the route zone is hard; that is, an order that falls outside the route zone polygon can't be assigned to the route. This is the default.

A value of 0 (false) indicates that orders that fall outside the route zone polygon can still be assigned, but the cost of servicing the order is weighted by a function that is based on the Euclidean distance from the route zone. As the straight-line distance from the soft zone to the order increases, the likelihood of the order being assigned to the route decreases.



Specifies whether the route can be used when solving the problem. This field is constrained by a domain of values that are listed below (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses).

  • Null—The route is open to new orders. This is the default value.
  • 1 (Closed)—The route will not accept new orders but it can be resequenced or have the outputs updated.
  • 2 (Exclude)—The route is excluded from the solve operation. The output for this route will not be updated. The orders with the corresponding route will also be excluded from the route and the output from those orders will not be updated.



Delineates work territories for given routes. A route zone is a polygon feature used to constrain routes to servicing only those orders that fall within or near the specified area. The following are examples of when route zones may be useful:

  • Some of your employees don't have the required permits to perform work in certain states or communities. You can create a hard route zone so they only visit orders in areas where they meet the requirements.
  • One of your vehicles breaks down frequently and you want to minimize response time by having it only visit orders that are close to your maintenance garage. You can create a soft or hard route zone to keep the vehicle nearby.

The data type supports the following field:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name for the zone.

Names are case sensitive, cannot be empty, and must be unique. This field is the primary key and is used as a foreign key in the Routes class. Multiple routes can share the same zone.



The OrderSpecialties and RouteSpecialties classes list the specialties that can be required by orders and supported by routes. A route can service an order only if it supports all the specialties required for that order.

For example, an order may require a technician with a certain skill set or a vehicle with certain capabilities. You model these skills, capabilities, and so on, by adding them to the OrderSpecialties table. Next, you add the specialties that are supported by a route to RouteSpecialties. When the analysis is solved, orders that require certain specialties are matched with routes that can provide them.

The OrderSpecialties class supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the order.

The value of this field corresponds to a value in the Name field of an order in the Orders input class.



The name of the specialty.

This indicates the required specialty for the order. Only a single specialty is listed per row. If an order requires more than one specialty, create a new row.

Specialty names are case sensitive and cannot be empty. Specialty names can't contain spaces. For example, a senior technician specialty should be entered as SeniorTechnician.



The OrderSpecialties and RouteSpecialties classes list the specialties that can be required by orders and supported by routes. A route can service an order only if it supports all the specialties required for that order.

For example, an order may require a technician with a certain skill set or a vehicle with certain capabilities. You model these skills, capabilities, and so on, by adding them to the OrderSpecialties table. Next, you add the specialties that are supported by a route to RouteSpecialties. When the analysis is solved, orders that require certain specialties are matched with routes that can provide them.

The RouteSpecialties class supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the route.

The value of this field corresponds to a value in the Name field of a route in the Routes input class.



The name of the specialty.

This indicates the specialty that the route supports. Only a single specialty is listed per row. If a route supports more than one specialty, create a new row.

Specialty names are case sensitive and cannot be empty. Specialty names can't contain spaces. For example, a senior technician specialty should be entered as SeniorTechnician.



Use this parameter to specify one or more points that will act as temporary restrictions or represent additional time or distance that may be required to travel on the underlying streets. For example, a point barrier can be used to represent a fallen tree along a street or a time delay spent at a railroad crossing.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the barrier.



Specifies whether the point barrier restricts travel completely or adds time or distance when it is crossed. The value for this attribute is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (Restriction)—Prohibits travel through the barrier. The barrier is referred to as a restriction point barrier since it acts as a restriction.

  • 2 (Added Cost)—Traveling through the barrier increases the travel time or distance by the amount specified in the Additional_Time, Additional_Distance, or AdditionalCost field. This barrier type is referred to as an added cost point barrier.



The added travel time when the barrier is traversed.

This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and the values are interpreted to be in the units specified by the timeUnits property.



The added distance when the barrier is traversed.

This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and the values are interpreted to be in the units specified by the distanceUnits property.



The added cost when the barrier is traversed.

This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and the values are interpreted to be in unknown units.



Specifies how the restriction point barriers are applied to the edge elements during the analysis. The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (False)—Permits travel on the edge up to the barrier but not through it. This is the default value.
  • 1 (True)—Restricts travel anywhere on the associated edge.



Specifies the direction of traffic that is affected by the barrier. The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (Either side of vehicle)—The barrier affects travel over the edge in both directions.
  • 1 (Right side of vehicle)—Vehicles are only affected if the barrier is on their right side during the approach. Vehicles that traverse the same edge but approach the barrier on their left side are not affected by the barrier.
  • 2 (Left side of vehicle)—Vehicles are only affected if the barrier is on their left side during the approach. Vehicles that traverse the same edge but approach the barrier on their right side are not affected by the barrier.

Because junctions are points and don't have a side, barriers on junctions affect all vehicles regardless of the curb approach.



The direction in which a point is moving. The units are degrees and are measured clockwise from true north. This field is used in conjunction with the BearingTol field.

Bearing data is usually sent automatically from a mobile device equipped with a GPS receiver. Try to include bearing data if you are loading an input location that is moving, such as a pedestrian or a vehicle.

Using this field tends to prevent adding locations to the wrong edges, which can occur when a vehicle is near an intersection or an overpass, for example. Bearing also helps the tool determine on which side of the street the point is.

Learn more about bearing and bearing tolerance



The bearing tolerance value creates a range of acceptable bearing values when locating moving points on an edge using the Bearing field. If the Bearing field value is within the range of acceptable values that are generated from the bearing tolerance on an edge, the point can be added as a network location there; otherwise, the closest point on the next-nearest edge is evaluated.

The units are in degrees, and the default value is 30. Values must be greater than 0 and less than 180. A value of 30 means that when Network Analyst attempts to add a network location on an edge, a range of acceptable bearing values is generated 15 degrees to either side of the edge (left and right) and in both digitized directions of the edge.

Learn more about bearing and bearing tolerance



This field is only used in the solve process if the Bearing and BearingTol fields also have values; however, entering a NavLatency field value is optional, even when values are present in Bearing and BearingTol. NavLatency indicates how much cost is expected to elapse from the moment GPS information is sent from a moving vehicle to a server and the moment the processed route is received by the vehicle's navigation device.

The time units of NavLatency are the same as the units specified by the timeUnits property of the analysis object.


Network location fields

  • SourceID
  • SourceOID
  • PosAlong
  • SideOfEdge

Together, these properties describe the point on the network where the object is located.

Learn more about locating inputs on a network


Use this parameter to specify one or more lines that prohibit travel anywhere the lines intersect the streets. For example, a parade or protest that blocks traffic across several street segments can be modeled with a line barrier. A line barrier can also quickly fence off several roads from being traversed, thereby channeling possible routes away from undesirable parts of the street network.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the barrier.



Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost (such as time or distance) for traveling through it. The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (Restriction)—Prohibits travel anywhere the barrier intersects the transportation network. The barrier is referred to as a restriction line barrier.

  • 1 (Scaled Cost)—Scales the cost (such as travel time or distance) required to travel the underlying streets by a factor specified using the ScaledTimeFactor or ScaledDistanceFactor field. If the streets are partially covered by the barrier, the travel time or distance is apportioned and then scaled. For example, a factor of 0.25 means that travel on underlying streets is expected to be four times faster than normal. A factor of 3.0 means it is expected to take three times longer than normal to travel on underlying streets. This barrier type is referred to as a scaled-cost line barrier. It can be used to model slowdowns due to closure of traffic lanes during construction, for example.



This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. The field value must be greater than zero.



This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. The field value must be greater than zero.



This is the factor by which the cost of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. The field value must be greater than zero.



The information in this field defines which network edges and junctions are covered by the line or polygon and the portion of each edge element that is covered. You cannot directly read or edit the information contained in this field, but Network Analyst interprets it when solving an analysis.

Learn more about locating inputs on a network



Use this parameter to specify polygons that either completely restrict travel or proportionately scale the time or distance required to travel on the streets intersected by the polygons.

The data type supports the following fields:

FieldDescriptionData type


The name of the barrier.



Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost (such as time or distance) for traveling through it. The field value is specified as one of the following integers (use the numeric code, not the name in parentheses):

  • 0 (Restriction)—Prohibits traveling through any part of the barrier. The barrier is referred to as a restriction polygon barrier since it prohibits traveling on streets intersected by the barrier. One use of this type of barrier is to model floods covering areas of the street that make traveling on those streets impossible.

  • 1 (Scaled Cost)—Scales the cost (such as travel time or distance) required to travel the underlying streets by a factor specified using the ScaledTimeFactor or ScaledDistanceFactor field. If the streets are partially covered by the barrier, the travel time or distance is apportioned and then scaled. For example, a factor of 0.25 means that travel on underlying streets is expected to be four times faster than normal. A factor of 3.0 means it is expected to take three times longer than normal to travel on underlying streets. This barrier type is referred to as a scaled-cost polygon barrier. It can be used to model storms that reduce travel speeds in specific regions, for example.



This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. The field value must be greater than zero.



This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. The field value must be greater than zero.



This is the factor by which the cost of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. The field value must be greater than zero.



The information in this field defines which network edges and junctions are covered by the line or polygon and the portion of each edge element that is covered. You cannot directly read or edit the information contained in this field, but Network Analyst interprets it when solving an analysis.

Learn more about locating inputs on a network
