Copy a network analysis layer

AllSource 1.3    |

You can experiment with various analysis settings and input data for network analysis workflows and compare results. One way to do this is to configure a network analysis layer with the settings and inputs you want to use, copy that layer, and adjust the settings or inputs of the copied layer. This ensures that the layers are identical except for the settings or inputs you want to compare.

You can copy a network analysis layer using the Duplicate command on the layer's context menu.

  1. Create a network analysis layer, if necessary, and configure it with the settings and inputs you want to use.
  2. Right-click the network analysis layer in the Contents pane and click the Duplicate command.

    Alternatively, you can run the Copy Network Analysis Layer tool in the Geoprocessing pane to achieve the same results.

    The Copy Network Analysis Layer tool runs. When the tool finishes, a new network analysis layer is added to the Contents pane. The new layer has the same analysis settings and network data source as the original layer and a copy of the original layer's analysis data.

  3. Optionally, rename the new network analysis layer.
  4. Adjust the settings and input data of the new network analysis layer.
  5. Solve both layers and compare the results.

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