Copy Traversed Source Features tool output

AllSource 1.3    |

The Copy Traversed Source Features tool creates two feature classes and a table containing the edges, junctions, and turns that are traversed while solving a network analysis layer. The fields of the three output types are described in the sections below.

Edges feature class

Field nameDescription


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry of the line.


The name of the edge source feature class from which the line was generated.

For StreetMap network datasets, the name of the edge source is the name of the feature class referencing the edge source layer. One way to identify edge source names is by accepting the option to add sources when adding a StreetMap network dataset layer to ArcGIS AllSource.


The Object ID of the traversed source feature. This value is an Object ID from the feature class that is identified in the SourceName field.


The value of the SourceType field is always NETWORK, which indicates the line feature represents a traversed network dataset element.


This field indicates the element ID (EID) of the traversed network edge. An EID uniquely describes a network element. The EID of a network element is independent of the Object ID of the feature. One feature may be stored as many different elements in the network.


Specifies where the output line feature begins in reference to the digitized direction of the underlying source feature.

  • A value of 0 (zero) indicates the line begins at the from point of the underlying source feature.
  • A value of 1 indicates the line begins at the to point of the source feature.
  • A value between 0 and 1 indicates the line begins at a point along the underlying source feature. For example, a value of 0.25 means the line begins 25 percent along the digitized direction of the underlying source feature.


Specifies where the output line feature ends in reference to the digitized direction of the underlying source feature.

  • A value of 0 (zero) indicates the line ends at the from point of the underlying source feature.
  • A value of 1 indicates the line ends at the to point of the source feature.
  • A value between 0 and 1 indicates the line ends at a point along the underlying source feature. For example, a value of 0.25 means the line ends 25 percent along the digitized direction of the underlying source feature.


The Copy Traversed Source Features tool outputs a junctions feature class along with the edges feature class. The endpoints of the lines in the edges feature class are coincident with points in the junctions feature class.

The FromJunctionID field indicates the Object ID of the point feature in the junctions feature class that is coincident with the beginning of the line feature.


The Copy Traversed Source Features tool outputs a junctions feature class along with the edges feature class. The endpoints of the lines in the edges feature class are coincident with points in the junctions feature class.

The ToJunctionID field indicates the Object ID of the point feature in the junctions feature class that is coincident with the end of the line feature.




If the input network analysis layer is a route, closest facility, or vehicle routing problem, this field is named RouteID and uniquely identifies the route that traversed the edge. The value refers to the Object ID from the Routes sublayer in the input network analysis layer.

If the input network analysis layer is a service area, the field is named FacilityID and uniquely identifies the facility whose service area traversed the edge. The value refers to the Object ID from the Facilities sublayer in the input network analysis layer.


(for instance, Attr_Minutes, where Minutes is a cost attribute on the network)

The cost of the underlying edge. The units of this field are the same as the units of the cost attribute referred to in the field name.


(for example, Cumul_Minutes in which Minutes is the impedance for the network)

The cumulative cost of the underlying network elements from the beginning of the route or service area to the end of the edge represented by the line feature.

The units of this field are the same as the units of the cost attribute referred to in the field name.


(for example, Attr_Avoid_Toll_Roads in which Avoid Toll Roads is the restriction attribute for the network)

Specifies whether the traversed edge used the restriction attribute referred to in this field's name.



The traversed edge didn't use the restriction.


The traversed edge used the restriction.


Elements that use prohibit-restrictions are never traversed; however, those that use prefer- or avoid-restrictions can be traversed.

Junctions feature class

The junctions feature class contains points representing traversed junctions; traversed network locations, such as stops, depots, and facilities; and, for service areas, the locations where break values were reached.


Barriers are network locations; however, there are cases when barriers aren't included in the junctions feature class. These cases are outlined below.

  • The Copy Traversed Source Features tool never outputs restriction barriers, since they cannot be traversed.
  • Added-cost point barriers that were traversed in the analysis are included in the junctions feature class; however, if a barrier's added cost is set to 0 (that is, the underlying impedance is unaffected), the barrier is excluded from this feature class.
  • Points that represent where scaled-cost line or polygon barriers were entered or exited are included as features in the junction feature class only if the barrier scales impedance by a value other than 1.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry of the point.


The name of the source from which the point was created.

When points are generated from traversed network dataset junctions, the SourceName value matches the name of the junction source feature class. For StreetMap network datasets, the SourceName value is ND_SDC Junction Source as they do not have a junction source feature class.

When points are generated from other sources, the SourceName value identifies the source with one of the values below.



The point was created from a stop in a route analysis.


The point was created from a facility in a closest facility or service area analysis.


The point was created from an incident in a closest facility analysis.


The point was created from an order in a vehicle routing problem analysis.


The point was created from a depot in a vehicle routing problem analysis.


The point was created from a break in a vehicle routing problem analysis.


The point was created from a break border in a service area analysis, traversed additive cost barrier, or traversed scaled-cost line or polygon barrier.


The Object ID of the traversed source feature. This value refers to an Object ID of a feature in the feature class that is identified in the SourceName field.

The SourceOID value is -1 if the SourceName value is MidspanJunctions or the SourceType value is VIRTUAL.


There are three possible values for this field:



The feature represents a traversed network dataset element.


The feature represents a traversed feature from the network analysis layer.


The feature represents a traversed barrier or the end of a break in a service area analysis or a traversed junction in the StreetMap dataset.


An element ID (EID) uniquely describes a network element. This field indicates the EID of the traversed network element. The EID of a network element is independent of the Object ID of the feature. One feature may be stored as many different elements in the network.

The EID is -1 if the feature doesn't represent a junction from the network dataset. For example, it is -1 if the point represents a stop on a route.




If the input network analysis layer is a route, closest facility, or vehicle routing problem, this field is named RouteID and uniquely identifies the route feature that traversed the junction. The value refers to the Object ID from the Routes sublayer in the input network analysis layer.

If the input network analysis layer is a service area, the field is named FacilityID and uniquely identifies the facility whose service area traversed the junction. The value refers to the Object ID from the Facilities sublayer in the input network analysis layer.


(for example, Attr_Minutes in which Minutes is the impedance for the network)

The cost of the underlying junction. The units of this field are the same as the units of the cost attribute referred to in the field name.


(for example, Cumul_Minutes in which Minutes is the impedance for the network)

The cumulative cost of the underlying network elements from the beginning of the route or service area through the location of the current point feature.

The units of this field are the same as the units of the cost attribute referred to in the field name.


(for example, Attr_Avoid_Toll_Roads in which Avoid Toll Roads is the restriction attribute for the network)

Specifies whether the traversed junction used the restriction attribute referred to in this field's name.



The traversed junction didn't use the restriction.


The traversed junction used the restriction.


Elements that use prohibit-restrictions are never traversed; however, those that use prefer- or avoid-restrictions can be traversed.

Turns attribute table


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the source from which the turn record was created.

When the record is generated from a turn in the network dataset, the SourceName value matches the name of the source feature class.

For StreetMap network datasets, the name of the turn source is the name of the feature class referencing the turn source layer. One way to identify turn source names is by accepting the option to add the source layers when adding a StreetMap network dataset layer to ArcGIS AllSource.

When the record is generated from a global turn, the SourceName value is ImplicitTurns.


The Object ID of the traversed source feature. This value refers to an Object ID from the feature class that is identified in the SourceName field.

The SourceOID value is -1 if the SourceName value is ImplicitTurns.


There are two possible values for this field:



The record represents a traversed network dataset element.


The record represents a global turn that was traversed.


An element ID (EID) uniquely describes a network element. This field indicates the EID of the traversed network element. The EID of a network element is independent of the Object ID of the feature. One feature may be stored as many different elements in the network.

The EID is -1 if the record represents a traversed global turn.


The Copy Traversed Source Features tool outputs an edges feature class along with the turns attribute table, which is described here. The endpoints of lines in the turn attribute table are coincident with lines in the edges feature class.

The FromEdgeID field indicates the Object ID of the line feature in the edges feature class that is coincident with the starting edge of the turn.


The Copy Traversed Source Features tool outputs an edges feature class along with the turns feature class, which is described here. The endpoints of lines in the turn feature class are coincident with lines in the edges feature class.

The ToEdgeID field indicates the Object ID of the line feature in the edges feature class that is coincident with the end of the turn.




If the input network analysis layer is a route, closest facility, or vehicle routing problem, this field is named RouteID and uniquely identifies the route that traversed the turn. The value refers to the Object ID from the Routes sublayer in the input network analysis layer.

If the input network analysis layer is a service area, the field is named FacilityID and uniquely identifies the facility whose service area traversed the turn. The value refers to the Object ID from the Facilities sublayer in the input network analysis layer.


(for example, Attr_Minutes in which Minutes is the impedance for the network)

The cost of the underlying turn. The units of this field are the same as the units of the cost attribute referred to in the field name.


(for example, Cumul_Minutes in which Minutes is the impedance for the network)

The cumulative cost of the underlying network elements from the beginning of the route or service area through the location of the current turn.

The units of this field are the same as the units of the cost attribute referred to in the field name.


(for example, Attr_Avoid_Toll_Road in which Avoid Toll Roads is the restriction attribute for the network)

Specifies whether the traversed turn used the restriction attribute referred to in this field's name.



The traversed turn didn't use the restriction.


The traversed turn used the restriction.


Elements that use prohibit-restrictions are never traversed; however, those that use prefer- or avoid-restrictions can be traversed.