An overview of the Fields toolset

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The Fields toolset contains tools for creating and modifying fields. A field is a column in a table; each field contains the values for a single attribute. Any number of fields can be included in a table. Field settings can be specified, such as the field type and the maximum size of the data that can be stored in it.


Add Field

Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class or feature layer, as well as to rasters with attribute tables.

Add Fields (multiple)

Adds new fields to a table, feature class, or raster.

Add Global IDs

Adds global IDs to a list of geodatabase feature classes, tables, and feature datasets.

Add GPS Metadata Fields

Adds GNSS fields to a feature class in a geodatabase.

Add Incrementing ID Field

Adds a database-maintained, incrementing ID field to an existing table or feature class in a Dameng, IBM Db2, Microsoft Azure SQL Database, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL database. A database-maintained ID field is required for all feature classes or tables you plan to edit through a feature service.

Alter Field

This tool allows you to rename fields or field aliases for a geodatabase table or feature class.

Alter Fields

Alters the field properties of multiple fields in a feature class or table.

Assign Default To Field

Creates a default value for a specified field. When a new row is added to the table or feature class, the specified field will be set to this default value.

Batch Update Fields

Transforms fields in a table or feature class based on schema defined in the definition table and creates a new table or feature class.

Calculate End Time

Calculates the end time of features based on the time values stored in another field.

Calculate Field

Calculates the values of a field for a feature class, feature layer, or raster.

Calculate Fields (multiple)

Calculates the values of two or more fields for a feature class, feature layer, or raster.

Convert Temporal Field

Transfers temporal values stored in a field to another field. The tool can be used to convert between field types (text, numeric, or datetime fields) or to convert the values to a different format such as dd/MM/yy HH:mm:ss to yyyy-MM-dd.

Convert Time Zone

Converts time values recorded in a date field from one time zone to another time zone.

Delete Field

Deletes one or more fields from a table, feature class, feature layer, or raster dataset.

Disable COGO

Disables COGO on a line feature class and removes COGO fields and COGO-enabled labeling and symbology. COGO fields can be deleted.

Disable Editor Tracking

Disables editor tracking on a feature class, table, feature dataset, or mosaic dataset.

Enable COGO

Enables COGO on a line feature class and adds COGO fields and COGO-enabled labeling to a line feature class. COGO fields store dimensions that are used to create line features in relation to each other.

Enable Editor Tracking

Enables editor tracking for a feature class, table, feature dataset, or relationship class in a geodatabase.

Encode Field

Converts categorical values (string, integer, or date) into multiple numerical fields, each representing a category. The encoded numerical fields can be used in most data science and statistical workflows including regression models.

Field Statistics To Table

Creates a table of descriptive statistics for one or more input fields in a table or feature class.

Migrate Date Field To High Precision

Migrates date fields in a table to high precision.

Reclassify Field

Reclassifies values in a numerical or text field into classes based on bounds defined manually or using a reclassification method.

Standardize Field

Standardizes values in fields by converting them to values that follow a specified scale. Standardization methods include z-score, minimum-maximum, absolute maximum, and robust standardization.

Transform Field

Transforms continuous values in one or more fields by applying mathematical functions to each value and changing the shape of the distribution. The transformation methods in the tool include log, square root, Box-Cox, multiplicative inverse, square, exponential, and inverse Box-Cox.

Transpose Fields

Switch data stored in fields or columns to rows in a new table or feature class.

Tools in the Fields toolset

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