An overview of the Data Management toolbox

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The Data Management toolbox contains tools that are used to develop, manage, and maintain feature classes, datasets, layers, and raster data structures.


3D Objects

The 3D Objects toolset contains tools for enhancing a multipatch feature class with the capabilities of the 3D object feature layer. The 3D object feature layer improves multipatch features by optimizing the storage of texture information and adding support for additional visualization effects, textures, and materials associated with several 3D modeling formats.


The Archiving toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase archiving. Archiving in ArcGIS provides the functionality to record and access changes made to data in a geodatabase. Geodatabase archiving is the mechanism for capturing, managing, and analyzing data change.


The Attachments toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase attachments. The attachments functionality provides a way to associate nongeographic data with geographic information. With these tools, you can incorporate attachments into your workflows and automate the process of adding and removing attachments.

Attribute Rules

The Attribute Rules toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase attribute rules. Attribute rule functionality provides a way to add custom rules and behavior to geodatabase data. With these geoprocessing tools you can incorporate attribute rules into workflows and automate the process of adding and removing rules.

Catalog Dataset

The Catalog Dataset toolset contains tools for creating, maintaining, and updating catalog datasets. A catalog dataset is visualized as a catalog layer, which is used to explore and organize disparate content from one centrally managed source.

Contingent Values

The Contingent Values toolset contains tools for managing geodatabase contingent values and field groups. Contingent values functionality provides a way to add custom behavior to geodatabase data. You can incorporate contingent values into your workflows and automate the process of adding and removing values using these tools.

Data Comparison

The Data Comparison toolset contains tools to compare one dataset with another dataset to report similarities and differences. You can use these tools to identify changes made to a dataset.

Data Loading

The Data Loading toolset contains tools to streamline data loading from a source schema to a target schema. The tools help reduce the time and complexity of migrating to a new data schema.

Distributed Geodatabase

The Distributed Geodatabase toolset contains tools that create and synchronize changes between replica geodatabases.


The Domains toolset contains tools to create and edit domains to manage attribute fields.

Feature Binning

The Feature Binning toolset contains tools for managing feature binning. Feature binning is an advanced visualization capability that allows users to explore and visualize large datasets. It also helps users observe patterns at macro and micro levels with simple out-of-the-box mapping options.

Feature Class

The Feature Class toolset contains tools that perform basic feature class management.


The Features toolset contains tools to create and manage feature-based GIS data, transform features from one geometry type to another, find and correct issues with feature geometry, and record feature geometry measurements and coordinates as attributes.


The Fields toolset contains tools for creating and modifying fields. A field is a column in a table; each field contains the values for a single attribute. Any number of fields can be included in a table. Field settings can be specified, such as the field type and the maximum size of the data that can be stored in it.

File Geodatabase

The File Geodatabase toolset contains tools for compressing, uncompressing, and licensing file geodatabases.


The General toolset contains tools for performing general data management operations. The toolset contains tools for combining feature classes or tables; renaming, copying, or deleting datasets; finding or deleting duplicate or identical records; sorting records; and uploading files to a portal.


The Generalization toolset contains tools for dissolving or eliminating features.

Geodatabase Administration

The Geodatabase Administration toolset contains tools for a variety of geodatabase management tasks. Specific geodatabase data management tools as well as geodatabase upgrade, management, and maintenance are covered by the tools in this toolset.


The Indexes toolset contains tools for creating and removing attribute or spatial indexes.

Joins and Relates

The Joins and Relates toolset contains tools that add or remove joins between layers or table views. Joins made with the Add Join tool or the Add Spatial Join tool or relates made with the Add Relate tool are temporary and do not permanently transfer the fields between tables. To preserve the join or relate between sessions, you can create a relationship using the tools in the Relationship Classes toolset.

LAS Dataset

The LAS Dataset toolset contains tools for creating, managing, and optimizing a LAS dataset. The LAS dataset data type references collections of LAS files, making them easier to process, visualize, and analyze.

Layers and Table Views

The Layers and Table Views toolset contains tools for creating and manipulating layers, layer files, and table views.


The Package toolset contains tools to consolidate, package, and share layers, maps, projects, address locators, and geoprocessing results.


The Photos toolset contains tools for analyzing and managing digital photograph files. The toolset includes tools for creating a point feature class from geotagged photo files (photos that were captured from a GPS camera device or a smartphone) and matching photo files to features or table rows based on the time stamp of the photo.

Projections and Transformations

The Projections and Transformations toolset contains tools for converting geographic data between coordinate systems. There are additional tools for transforming raster datasets, such as shift, rescale, and rotate.


The Raster toolset in the Data Management toolbox contains tools that perform raster data management and raster processing. These tools allow you to work with raster dataset properties and create and process raster data.

Relationship Classes

The Relationship Classes toolset contains tools for creating relationship classes.


The Sampling toolset contains tools that create features used as either sampling locations or aggregation areas.


The Subtypes toolset contains tools that create and edit subtypes, which provide a method of dividing feature classes or tables into logical groupings based on an attribute value.


The Table toolset contains tools that perform basic table management.

Tile Cache

The Tile Cache toolset contains tools to generate, manage, import, and export tile caches. These tools are capable of generating tile caches from a raster dataset or a mosaic dataset on your desktop without the need for ArcGIS Server. These tile caches can then be shared as tile packages on ArcGIS Online and published as tiled map services.


The Toolbox toolset contains tools for analyzing the contents of toolboxes (model and script tools) for use with different versions of ArcGIS software.


The Topology toolset contains a set of tools that can be used to create and manage a geodatabase topology.

Trajectory Dataset

The Trajectory Dataset toolset contains tools that manage satellite altimetry data and derived products.


The Versions toolset contains tools to manage the versioning process.


The Workspace toolset contains tools to create several data storage structures used by ArcGIS.

Toolsets in the Data Management toolbox