An overview of the Domains toolset

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The Domains toolset contains tools to create and edit domains to manage attribute fields.

Domains are a way to define a range of values that can be used for multiple attribute fields. Using domains helps ensure data integrity by limiting the choice of values for a particular field. Validation for coded value domains is accomplished by restricting field values in drop-down lists. Range domains are automatically validated during editing.


Add Coded Value To Domain

Adds a value to a domain's coded value list.

Alter Domain

Alters the properties of an existing attribute domain in a workspace.

Assign Domain To Field

Sets the domain for a particular field and, optionally, for a subtype. If no subtype is specified, the domain is only assigned to the specified field.

Create Domain

Creates an attribute domain in the specified workspace.

Delete Coded Value From Domain

Removes a value from a coded value domain.

Delete Domain

Deletes a domain from a workspace.

Domain To Table

Creates a table from an attribute domain.

Remove Domain From Field

Removes an attribute domain association from a feature class or table field.

Set Value For Range Domain

Sets the minimum and maximum values for an existing Range domain.

Sort Coded Value Domain

Sorts the code or description of a coded value domain in either ascending or descending order.

Table To Domain

Creates or updates a coded value domain with values from a table.

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