TIN Polygon Tag (3D Analyst)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates polygon features using tag values in a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.


TIN Polygon Tag illustration


  • Tag values can be assigned using an integer field in a polygon feature class by loading the polygon into the TIN as a valuefill surface type.

  • Triangles that do not have a tag explicitly defined are assigned the default value of 0.

  • All contiguous triangles with an identical tag value will be stored in a single polygon feature.

  • The tag value will be denoted as an attribute in the output feature class.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input TIN

The TIN dataset that will be processed.

TIN Layer
Output Feature Class

The feature class that will be produced.

Feature Class
Tag Value Field

The name of the field storing the tag attribute in the output feature class. The default field name is Tag_Value.


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