An overview of the TIN Dataset toolset

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The TIN Dataset toolset contains tools for creating, modifying, and converting triangulated irregular network (TIN) datasets. A TIN can be used to model a surface using measurements from point, line, and polygon features.


Copy TIN

Creates a copy of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

Create TIN

Creates a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

Decimate TIN Nodes

Creates a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset using a subset of nodes from a source TIN.

Delineate TIN Data Area

Redefines the data area, or interpolation zone, of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) based on its triangle edge length.

Edit TIN

Loads data from one or more input features to modify the surface of an existing triangulated irregular network (TIN).

Tools in the TIN Dataset toolset

Conversion Toolset



This tool imports one or more triangulated irregular network (TIN) surfaces from a LandXML file to output Esri TINs.

TIN Domain

Creates a line or polygon feature class representing the interpolation zone of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

TIN Edge

Creates 3D line features using the triangle edges of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

TIN Line

Exports breaklines from a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset to a 3D line feature class.

TIN Node

Exports the nodes of a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset to a point feature class.

TIN Polygon Tag

Creates polygon features using tag values in a triangulated irregular network (TIN) dataset.

TIN to Raster

Interpolates a raster using z-values from the input TIN.

TIN Triangle

Exports triangle faces from a TIN dataset to polygon features and provides slope, aspect, and optional attributes of hillshade and tag values for each triangle.

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