Layer selection properties

AllSource 1.3    |

You can control the layer-level selection properties for selected features using the Layer Properties dialog box.

To open the Layer Properties dialog box, right-click the layer in the Contents pane and click Properties, or double-click the layer name. Click the Selection tab and review or modify the selection properties described below.

Application-level selection options for selection tools and the interactive selection behavior for all open maps are available through the Options dialog box on the Project tab.

Selected features

Specify the selection color for the layer. The selection behavior for a layer typically uses the selection color for all open maps in the Options dialog box. The default is cyan. To override the selection color for individual layers, click Choose alternate color and select a color from the drop-down color picker. A polygon layer's fill color is customizable when you enable a polygon interior selection color on the Options dialog box.

Related data

When working with tabular data, you can show feature selections across related tables. Check the Automatically select related data check box to enable automatic selection of related records for a layer.

Feature exclusion set

This property only appears when features have been converted to graphics. Use the Features To Graphic geoprocessing tool to convert a feature layer's symbolized features to graphic elements in a new graphics layer. By default, the converted feature layer is excluded from drawing and may not be selectable from the view. Check the Clear list of excluded features to access all features in the source data check box to redraw the excluded features.