The Line class creates line charts. Line charts allow you to visualize change over a continuous range, such as time or distance. Visualizing change with a line chart allows for the overall trend to be displayed at once, and for multiple trends to be compared simultaneously.
When creating a chart object, optional arguments for the class constructor must be specified using the argument name; they cannot be specified by argument position. See the Code Samples section for an example of how to specify arguments using keywords.
Line (x, {y}, {splitCategory}, {multiSeriesDisplay}, {miniChartsPerRow}, {showPreviewChart}, {aggregation}, {timeIntervalUnits}, {timeIntervalSize}, {timeAggregationType}, {trimIncompleteTimeInterval}, {nullPolicy}, {rotated}, {title}, {description}, {xTitle}, {yTitle}, {dataSource}, {displaySize})
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
x | The field name for the x-axis variable. The field must be a numeric or date field. | String |
y | The field name or names for the y-axis variables. The value must be a numeric field or a list of numeric fields. | String |
splitCategory | A categorical field that adds a separate series or line for each unique value in the field. | String |
multiSeriesDisplay | Specifies the display type for a line chart with multiple series.
| String |
miniChartsPerRow | The number of minicharts that will be shown per row. The number of rows will be determined by the total number of series divided by the miniChartsPerRow value. | Integer |
showPreviewChart | Specifies whether the preview chart will be displayed for grid charts.
(The default value is False) | Boolean |
aggregation | Specifies the statistical calculation that is applied to values aggregated into each temporal bin.
| String |
timeIntervalUnits | Specifies the time unit that corresponds to the timeIntervalSize.
| String |
timeIntervalSize | The span of time that is binned or aggregated together. This argument must be used in conjunction with timeIntervalUnits. | String |
timeAggregationType | Specifies the time interval alignment type.
| String |
trimIncompleteTimeInterval | Specifies whether incomplete time intervals at the start or end of the data span (depending on the timeAggregationType value) are removed (trimmed) from the chart. Incomplete intervals on a chart can cause misleading results in which the period in question is underreported or overreported due to a different amount of time in the interval.
| String |
nullPolicy | Specifies how summarized bins returning a null value are displayed.
| String |
rotated | Specifies whether lines are displayed horizontally or vertically.
(The default value is False) | Boolean |
title |
The title of the chart. The title text appears at the top of the chart view and is used as the label for the chart in the Contents pane. | String |
description | The description of the chart. The description text appears at the bottom of the chart view. | String |
xTitle | The title of the x-axis of the chart. | String |
yTitle | The title of the y-axis of the chart. | String |
dataSource | The data source of the chart. When a chart is exported using the exportToSVG method or displayed in an ArcGIS Notebook, the data source will be read and rendered on the chart. Valid data sources include the following: | Object |
displaySize [displaySize,...] | The size of the chart when exported using the exportToSVG method or displayed in an ArcGIS Notebook. The value must be specified as a two-item list in which the first item is the width of the chart and the second item is the height of the chart. | List |
Property | Explanation | Data Type |
aggregation (Read and Write) | Specifies the statistical calculation that is applied to values aggregated into each temporal bin.
| String |
dataSource (Read and Write) | The data source of the chart. When a chart is exported using the exportToSVG method or displayed in an ArcGIS notebook, the data source will be read and rendered on the chart. Valid data sources include the following: | Object |
description (Read and Write) | The description of the chart. The description text appears at the bottom of the chart view. | String |
displaySize (Read and Write) | The size of the chart when exported using the exportToSVG method or displayed in an ArcGIS notebook. The value must be specified as a two-item list in which the first item is the width of the chart and the second item is the height of the chart. | List |
legend (Read and Write) | The properties of the chart legend.
| Object |
miniChartsPerRow (Read and Write) | The number of minicharts that will be shown per row. The number of rows will be determined by the total number of series divided by the miniChartsPerRow value. | Integer |
multiSeriesDisplay (Read and Write) | Specifies the display type for a line chart with multiple series.
| String |
nullPolicy (Read and Write) | Specifies how summarized bins returning a null value are displayed.
| String |
rotated (Read and Write) | Specifies whether the chart will be displayed vertically or horizontally.
| Boolean |
showPreviewChart (Read and Write) | Specifies whether the preview chart will be displayed for grid charts.
| Boolean |
splitCategory (Read and Write) | A categorical field that adds a separate series or line for each unique value in the field. | String |
theme (Read and Write) | The name of the theme that will be applied to the chart. | String |
timeAggregationType (Read and Write) | Specifies the time interval alignment type.
| String |
timeIntervalSize (Read and Write) | The span of time that is binned or aggregated together. The property must be used in conjunction with timeIntervalUnits. | String |
timeIntervalUnits (Read and Write) | Specifies the time unit that corresponds to the timeIntervalSize value.
| String |
title (Read and Write) | The title of the chart. The title text appears at the top of the chart view and is used as the label in the Contents pane on the List By Drawing Order tab | String |
trimIncompleteTimeInterval (Read and Write) | Specifies whether incomplete time intervals at the start or end of the data span (depending on the timeAggregationType value) are removed (trimmed) from the chart. Incomplete intervals on a chart can cause misleading results in which the period in question is underreported or overreported due to a different amount of time in the interval.
| String |
type (Read Only) | The string value indicating the chart type. | String |
x (Read and Write) | The field name for the x-axis variable. The field must be a numeric or date field. | String |
xAxis (Read and Write) | Sets the properties of the x-axis.
| Object |
y (Read and Write) | The field name or names for the numeric field or fields. Provide a single field name or a list of field names. | String |
yAxis (Read and Write) | Sets the properties of the y-axis.
| Object |
Method Overview
Method | Explanation |
addToLayer (layer_or_layerfile) | The addToLayer method adds the chart object to a layer or table view. |
exportToSVG (path, width, height) | The exportToSVG method exports the chart to SVG format. |
updateChart () | The updateChart method updates chart properties to sync changes between the object and the chart previously added to a layer. |
addToLayer (layer_or_layerfile)
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
layer_or_layerfile | The chart will be added to the target object. This argument can be a Layer or Table object. | Object |
Adding the chart object to a layer or table using the addToLayer method is often the final step after defining chart properties.
Add a chart to an existing layer.
import arcpy
# Insert creation of chart object here
aprx ="current")
map = aprx.listMaps()[0]
censusLayer = map.listLayers('Census Block Groups')[0]
# Add chart object to a layer
exportToSVG (path, width, height)
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
path | The path where the chart will be exported in SVG format. | String |
width | The width of the output graphic. | Integer |
height | The height of the output graphic. | Integer |
In some cases, you may want to save the chart as a graphic that can be shared and viewed outside of ArcGIS AllSource. Exporting to the SVG graphic format is beneficial, as the chart elements and text are stored as vector elements that can be independently modified in vector graphics software. An SVG graphic can also be resized to any scale without pixelation or loss in quality.
Export a chart that has a project layer data source to an .svg file.
import arcpy
# Insert creation of chart object here
aprx ='current')
censusLayer = aprx.listMaps()[0].listLayers('Census Block Groups')[0]
# Set data source of chart object to a layer in current project
chart.dataSource = censusLayer
# Save the chart to file with dimensions width=500, height=500
chart.exportToSVG('populationByState.svg', 500, 500)
Export a chart that has a feature service data source to an .svg file.
import arcpy
# Insert creation of chart object here
featureServiceURL = r''
# Set data source of chart object to a feature service URL
chart.dataSource = featureServiceURL
# Save the chart to file with dimensions width=800, height=600
chart.exportToSVG('theftsPerBeat.svg', 800, 600)
updateChart ()
Adding the chart object to a layer using the addToLayer method is often the final step after defining chart properties.
You can also modify the properties of the original chart instead of starting with a new chart. You can then use the updateChart method to synchronize any changes into the chart that was added to the layer. This allows the changes you make to be presented in the Chart properties pane and chart view.
Use the updateChart method to synchronize chart property changes into a layer.
import arcpy
# Insert creation of chart object here
# Further modification is necessary
chart.description = "Data from the U.S. Census Bureau"
Code sample
Create a line chart and add it to a layer in the current project.
import arcpy
lyr ="current").listMaps()[0].listLayers()[0]
chart = arcpy.charts.Line(x="date", y="aqi", aggregation="mean")