An overview of the Bitwise Math toolset

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The bitwise math tools compute on the binary representation of the input values.

These tools are intended to work on integer input data. If floating-point values are input, the data values will automatically be truncated and converted to integer values. As a result, the output data type is always integer.

Any bitwise operation on an input NoData cell will result in a NoData cell in the output.

The following table lists the available tools and provides a brief description of each.


Bitwise And

Performs a Bitwise And operation on the binary values of two input rasters.

Bitwise Left Shift

Performs a Bitwise Left Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters.

Bitwise Not

Performs a Bitwise Not (complement) operation on the binary value of an input raster.

Bitwise Or

Performs a Bitwise Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters.

Bitwise Right Shift

Performs a Bitwise Right Shift operation on the binary values of two input rasters.

Bitwise XOr

Performs a Bitwise eXclusive Or operation on the binary values of two input rasters.

Tools of the Bitwise Math toolset

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