Import Replica Schema (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Applies replica schema differences using an input replica geodatabase and an XML schema file.


  • The input replica schema changes file must be XML.

  • Modifying the schema of a replica to match the schema of a relative replica is a separate process from data synchronization. Use the following tools for this purpose:

    • Use the Compare Replica Schema tool to generate an .xml file containing the schema changes.
    • Import the changes using the Import Replica Schema tool.
    • To apply replica schema changes, run the Export Replica Schema tool to export the schema of the replica with the changes to an .xml file. Then use the .xml file as input to the Compare Replica Schema tool.


LabelExplanationData Type
Import to Replica Geodatabase

The replica geodatabase to which the replica schema will be imported. The geodatabase can be a local geodatabase or a geodata service.

Workspace; GeoDataServer
Replica Schema Changes File

The file that contains the replica schema differences that will be imported.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Output Replica Workspace

The updated replica geodatabase.


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