Geodetic Densify (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Creates new features by replacing the segments of the input features with densified approximations of geodesic segments. The following types of geodesic segments can be constructed: geodesic, great elliptic, loxodrome, and normal section.


Geodetic Densify tool illustration


  • The end points of the segments will be connected using a geodetic approximation. The input segment type is irrelevant; linear and nonlinear (circular arc, elliptic arc, and Bezier curve) segments with common end points will produce the same output.

  • No output feature will be written for an input feature that consists of a single segment with coincident start and end points. For example, a polygon feature made of a single circular arc will not be written to the output.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The input line or polygon features.

Feature Layer
Output Feature Class

The output feature class containing the densified geodesic features.

Feature Class
Geodetic Type

Specifies the type of geodetic segments that will be created. Geodetic calculations are performed on the ellipsoid associated with the input data's coordinate system.

  • GeodesicThe segments will be the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the spheroid (ellipsoid).
  • LoxodromeThe segments will be the line of equal azimuth (from a pole) connecting the two points.
  • Great elliptic The segments will be the line made by the intersection of a plane that contains the center of the spheroid and the two points.
  • Normal sectionThe segments will be the line made by the intersection of a plane that contains the center of the spheroid and is perpendicular to the surface at the first point.

The distance between vertices along the output geodesic segment. The default value is 50 kilometers.

Linear Unit

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