Output has M Values (Environment setting)

AllSource 1.3    |

Tools that honor the Output has M Values environment will control whether the output geodataset will store m-values.

Usage notes

  • Feature vertices that do not have an m-value will be assigned a value of NaN (Not a Number).
  • For shapefiles, storage of m- and z-values is closely connected; if the output has z-values, then regardless of this environment setting, the output will also have m-values.

Dialog syntax

  • Same as Input—If the input has m-values, the output will also have m-values. If the input does not have m-values, the output will not have m-values. This is the default value.
  • Enabled—The output will have m-values.
  • Disabled—The output will not have m-values.

Scripting syntax

arcpy.env.outputMFlag = output_m_flag


Same As Input

If the input has m-values, the output will have m-values. If it does not have m-values, the output will not have m-values. This is the default.


The output will have m-values.


The output will not have m-values.

outputMFlag syntax

Script example

import arcpy

# Set the outputMFlag environment to Enabled
arcpy.env.outputMFlag = "Enabled"