Adjust 3D Z (Data Management)

AllSource 1.3    |


Modifies z-values of 3D features.



    This tool modifies the input data. See Tools that modify or update the input data for more information and strategies to avoid undesired data changes.

  • Consider inverting z-values of bathymetry and other subsurface measurements that use positive values to denote depth.

  • Use the Convert From Units and Convert To Units parameters to convert z-values from one common unit of measure to another.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Features

The 3D features with the z-values that will be modified.

Feature Layer
Reverse Sign of Z Values

Specifies whether features will be inverted along the z-axis.

  • REVERSEThe sign of z-values will be inverted causing the feature to flip upside down.
  • NO_REVERSEThe sign of z-values will not be inverted; it will be maintained. This is the default.
Adjust Z Value

A numeric value or field from the input features that will be used to adjust the z of each vertex in the input features. A positive value will shift the feature higher, while a negative number will shift it lower along the z-axis.

Double; Field
Convert From Units

Specifies the existing units of the z-values. This parameter is used in conjunction with the Convert To Units parameter.

  • MillimetersThe units will be millimeters.
  • CentimetersThe units will be centimeters.
  • MetersThe units will be meters.
  • InchesThe units will be inches.
  • FeetThe units will be feet.
  • YardsThe units will be yards.
  • FathomsThe units will be fathoms.
Convert To Units

Specifies the units that existing z-values will be converted to.

  • MillimetersThe units will be millimeters.
  • CentimetersThe units will be centimeters.
  • MetersThe units will be meters.
  • InchesThe units will be inches.
  • FeetThe units will be feet.
  • YardsThe units will be yards.
  • FathomsThe units will be fathoms.

Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated Features

The updated input features.

Feature Layer

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