Share a report definition as a template

AllSource 1.2    |

You can share a report definition as a report template (.rptt file) to save a custom report definition that can then be used as the definition of a new report. A report template can be used in different projects or shared. A report template includes the report document view, any elements you added, and a reference to any dynamic elements or supplemental pages. The data is not included with the report template.

Use the Share tab to access the commands for saving a report template.


Report templates (.rptt) saved using 3.1 and later cannot be imported by previous versions of ArcGIS AllSource.

Create a report template file

Use the following steps to create a report template file (.rptt):

  1. Ensure that a report view is active. On the Share tab, in the Save As group, click the Report Template button Custom report template.
  2. Browse to the location where you want to save the file.
  3. Type the file name.
  4. Click Save to create the report definition file.

Use a report template

To use a report template file (.rptt) to create a report, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Project group, click New Report New Report to open the Create New Report pane.

    Alternatively, right-click a layer in the Contents pane of a map or scene and click New Report New Report to open the pane and set the report's data source directly.

  2. In the Create New Report pane, choose a custom template on which to base the report.
  3. Click Next to provide a report name and set the data source.
  4. Click Next to filter the data for the report and map the fields from the data source to the fields expected by the template.
  5. Click Next to connect any dynamic elements, such as charts or map frames.

    If the chosen template does not include any dynamic elements, this page is not provided.

  6. Click Next to include any supplemental pages.

    If the chosen template does not include any dynamic elements, this page is not provided.

  7. Click Finish to create the report view.

    If a field included in the report was removed from the data source at any time during this process, the report is automatically updated and you are notified at this time.

The report view opens. The Report tab is active on the ribbon, and the Contents pane reflects the list of subsections in the report section. Select a subsection to interact with and edit.