An overview of the Classification and Pattern Recognition toolset

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Available with Image Analyst license.

Available with Spatial Analyst license.

The Classification and Pattern Recognition toolset contains tools for performing classification and regression analysis workflows, including accuracy assessment.


Classify Raster

Classifies a raster dataset based on an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) and raster dataset inputs.

The .ecd file contains all the information needed to perform a specific type of Esri-supported classification. The inputs to this tool must match the inputs used to generate the required .ecd file.

Classify Raster Using Spectra

Classifies a multiband raster dataset using spectral matching techniques. The input spectral data can be provided as a point feature class or a .json file.

Compute Confusion Matrix

Computes a confusion matrix with errors of omission and commission and derives a kappa index of agreement, Intersection over Union (IoU), and an overall accuracy between the classified map and the reference data.

Compute Segment Attributes

Computes a set of attributes associated with the segmented image. The input raster can be a single-band or 3-band, 8-bit segmented image.

Create Accuracy Assessment Points

Creates randomly sampled points for postclassification accuracy assessment.

Generate Training Samples From Seed Points

Generates training samples from seed points, such as accuracy assessment points or training sample points. A typical use case is generating training samples from an existing source, such as a thematic raster or a feature class.

Inspect Training Samples

Estimates the accuracy of individual training samples. The cross validation accuracy is computed using the previously generated classification training result in an .ecd file and the training samples. Outputs include a raster dataset containing the misclassified class values and a training sample dataset with the accuracy score for each training sample.

Linear Spectral Unmixing

Performs subpixel classification and calculates the fractional abundance of different land-cover types for individual pixels.

Predict Using Regression Model

Predicts data values using the output from the Train Random Trees Regression Model tool.

Remove Raster Segment Tiling Artifacts

Corrects segments or objects cut by tile boundaries during the segmentation process performed as a raster function. This tool is helpful for some regional processes, such as image segmentation, that have inconsistencies near image tile boundaries.

This processing step is included in the Segment Mean Shift tool. It should only be used on a segmented image that was not created from that tool.

Segment Mean Shift

Groups adjacent pixels that have similar spectral characteristics into segments.

Train Iso Cluster Classifier

Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the Iso Cluster classification definition.

Train K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier

Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the K-Nearest Neighbor classification method.

Train Maximum Likelihood Classifier

Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) classification definition.

Train Random Trees Classifier

Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the Random Trees classification method.

Train Random Trees Regression Model

Models the relationship between explanatory variables and a target dataset using random trees analysis.

Train Support Vector Machine Classifier

Generates an Esri classifier definition file (.ecd) using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification definition.

Update Accuracy Assessment Points

Updates the Target field in the attribute table to compare reference points to the classified image.

Tools in the Classification and Pattern Recognition toolset

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