Update Multifile Feature Connection Dataset Properties (GeoAnalytics Desktop)


Updates the properties of a multifile feature connection (MFC) dataset. This tool modifies field, geometry, time, and file settings for a specified MFC dataset.


  • This tool requires a MFC. To create a MFC, use the New Multifile Feature Connection dialog or Create Multifile Feature Connection tool.

  • Use this tool to modify MFC dataset schema, geometry, or time for use in analysis or visualization in scenarios such as the following:

    • Your CSV dataset was registered with all string type fields and you want to set the fields as numeric for use in analysis.
    • Your MFC dataset has attribute values for two separate locations, such as taxi pick-up and taxi drop-off spots, and you want to change the geometry you use for analysis.
    • Your workflow requires that time is set on the input layer.
    • You want to share a MFC dataset with a colleague who is only interested in a subset of features, so you add a definition query expression and hide some unused fields.

  • You can modify the following properties:

    • Definition query—An expression used to limit the features used in analysis.
    • Fields—The field name, field type, and visibility.
    • Geometry—How geometry is represented. These are not editable for shapefiles.
    • Time—How time is represented.
    • File—The file properties used to read the dataset.

  • Use the New Multifile Feature Connection dialog box for a simplified experience to create, edit, and preview a multifile feature connection.

  • Specify the MFC dataset with the properties you want to modify using the Multifile Feature Connection Dataset parameter. You can browse to the dataset or specify it using a path such as c:\<path>\MyMFC.mfc\<dataset_name>, for example, c:\MyMFCFolder\MyMFC.mfc\earthquakes_dataset.

  • Define an expression to limit the features used in analyses using the Expression parameter. Adding a filter to a MFC dataset is similar to applying a definition query to a dataset in a map: specify a SQL expression to filter features of interest.

  • You can update the field type for delimited files. You cannot update the field type for other data sources (such as shapefile, ORC, or parquet files).

  • You can modify the geometry for delimited files, ORC, and parquet files. You cannot modify the geometry for a shapefile-sourced dataset.

  • The following table outlines how to specify time formats for the Start Time and End Time parameters when you edit a MFC dataset. The examples show how to represent the time January 2, 2016, at 9:45:02.05 p.m.

    Time formats in multifile feature connections



    The year, represented by two digits.



    The year, represented by four digits.



    The month, represented numerically.

    01 or 1


    The month, represented using three letters.



    The month, represented using the complete spelling.



    The day.

    02 or 2


    The hour when using a 24-hour day; values range from 0-23.



    The hour when using a 12-hour day; values range from 1-12.



    The minute; values range from 0-59.



    The second; values range from 0-59.



    The millisecond; values range from 0-999.



    The AM/PM marker.



    The time in milliseconds from epoch.



    The time in seconds from epoch.



    The time zone offset expressed in hours.

    -0100 or -01:00


    The time zone offset expressed using IDs.



    Use single quotes to add text that doesn't represent a value outlined in this table.


    The following table shows examples of different formats for the same date, January 2, 2016, at 9:45:02.05 PM:

    Time format examples

    Input dateDate format

    01/02/2016 9:45:02PM

    MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ssa

    Jan02-16 21:45:02

    MMMdd-yy HH:mm:ss

    January 02 2016 9:45:02.050PM

    MMMM dd yyyy hh:mm:ss.SSSa



    You can specify the time zone using one of the following:
    • The full name of the time zone, for example, Pacific Standard Time
    • The time zone offset expressed in hours: -0100 or -01:00
    • The UTC or GMT abbreviation
  • You can modify the following properties of a delimited file:

    • Field Delimiter—The delimiter for each field. Common delimiters are comma (,) and semicolon (;).
    • Record Terminator—The terminator for each row of data. Common terminators are \n and \t.
    • Quote Character—The character used for quotes in the source dataset.
    • Has Header Row—A true or false value indicating whether the source dataset includes headers. If a header row is included in the dataset, the headers will be used for the field names.
    • Encoding—The encoding type used by the source dataset. The default is UTF-8.

  • The Update Multifile Feature Connection Dataset Properties tool updates the properties of an individual dataset. Use the following tools to modify a MFC:

  • You can optionally edit your MFC file manually. You should always modify the .mfc file manually for the following situations:

    • You have one or more fields used to represent the x-,y-, or z-location.
    • You want to update the source path.

    Learn more about multifile feature connection file formatting.

  • This geoprocessing tool is powered by Spark. See Multifile feature connections to learn more about multifile feature connections and how to use them.


LabelExplanationData Type
Multifile Feature Connection Dataset

The MFC dataset that will be updated. The options for editing will differ depending on the source data (shapefile, delimited file, ORC, or parquet file).

Table View

An expression used to limit the features that will be used in the analysis.

SQL Expression
Field Properties

Specifies the field names and properties that will be modified.

Specifies whether fields will be visible or hidden.

  • Checked—The fields will be visible and available for use in geoprocessing tools. This is the default.
  • Unchecked—The fields will be hidden and cannot be used as input to geoprocessing tools.

  • ShortThe field will be type short.
  • LongThe field will be type long
  • DoubleThe field will be type double.
  • FloatThe field will be type float.
  • StringThe field will be type string.
  • DateThe field will be type date.
  • BLOBThe field will be type BLOB.
  • Big IntegerThe field will be type big integer.
Value Table
Geometry Type

Specifies the type of geometry that will be used to spatially represent the dataset. The geometry cannot be modified for shapefile-sourced datasets.

  • PointThe geometry type will be point.
  • PolylineThe geometry type will be polyline.
  • PolygonThe geometry type will be polygon.
  • NoneNo geometry type is specified.
Spatial Reference

The WKID value or WKT string that will be used for the spatial reference of the dataset. The default is WKID 4326 (WGS84). The spatial reference cannot be modified for shapefile-sourced data.

Geometry Format Type

Specifies how the geometry will be formatted. The geometry cannot be modified for shapefile-sourced data.

  • XYZTwo or more fields will represent x, y, and optionally z.
  • WKTThe geometry will be represented by a single field in a well-known text field.
  • WKBThe geometry will be represented by a single field in a well-known binary field.
  • GeoJSONThe geometry will be represented by a single field in GeoJSON format.
  • EsriJSONThe geometry will be represented by a single field in EsriJSON format.
  • EsriShapeThe geometry will be represented by a single field in EsriShape format.
Geometry Field

A single field used to represent the geometry. This field is used when the geometry format is WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, EsriJSON, or EsriShape.

X Field

The field used to represent the x-location. If more than one field represents the x-location, modify the .mfc file manually.

Y Field

The field used to represent the y-location. If more than one field represents the y-location, modify the .mfc file manually.

Z Field

The field used to represent the z-location. If more than one field represents the z-location, modify the .mfc file manually.

Time Type

Specifies the time type that will be used to temporally represent the dataset.

  • IntervalThe time type will represent a duration of time with a start and end time.
  • InstantThe time type will represent an instant in time.
  • NoneTime is not enabled.
Time Zone

The time zone of the dataset.

Start Time

The fields used to define the start time and the time formatting.

Value Table
End Time

The fields used to define the end time and the time formatting.

Value Table
File Extension

The file extension of the source dataset. The parameter value cannot be modified.

Field Delimiter

The field delimiter used in the source dataset.

Record Terminator

The record terminator used in the source dataset.

Quote Character

The quote character used in the source dataset.

Has Header Row

Specifies whether the source dataset includes a header row.

  • Checked—The source dataset includes a header row.
  • Unchecked—The source dataset does not include a header row.


The type of encoding used by the source dataset. UTF-8 is used by default.


Derived Output

LabelExplanationData Type
Updated MFC

The updated MFC file with edited properties applied to the specified dataset.


arcpy.geoanalytics.UpdateBDCDatasetProperties(bdc_dataset, {expression}, {field_properties}, {geometry_type}, {spatial_reference}, {geometry_format_type}, {geometry_field}, {x_field}, {y_field}, {z_field}, {time_type}, {time_zone}, {start_time_format}, {end_time_format}, {file_extension}, {field_delimiter}, {record_terminator}, {quote_character}, {has_header_row}, {encoding})
NameExplanationData Type

The MFC dataset that will be updated. The options for editing will differ depending on the source data (shapefile, delimited file, ORC, or parquet file).

Table View

An expression used to limit the features that will be used in the analysis.

SQL Expression

Specifies the field names and properties that will be modified.

  • SHORTThe field will be type short.
  • LONGThe field will be type long
  • DOUBLEThe field will be type double.
  • FLOATThe field will be type float.
  • STRINGThe field will be type string.
  • DATEThe field will be type date.
  • BLOBThe field will be type BLOB.
  • BIG_INTEGERThe field will be type big integer.

Specifies whether fields will be visible or hidden.

  • TRUEThe fields will be visible and available for use in geoprocessing tools. This is the default.
  • FALSEThe fields will be hidden and cannot be used as input to geoprocessing tools.
Value Table

Specifies the type of geometry that will be used to spatially represent the dataset. The geometry cannot be modified for shapefile-sourced datasets.

  • POINTThe geometry type will be point.
  • LINEThe geometry type will be polyline.
  • POLYGONThe geometry type will be polygon.
  • NONENo geometry type is specified.

The WKID value or WKT string that will be used for the spatial reference of the dataset. The default is WKID 4326 (WGS84). The spatial reference cannot be modified for shapefile-sourced data.


Specifies how the geometry will be formatted. The geometry cannot be modified for shapefile-sourced data.

  • XYZTwo or more fields will represent x, y, and optionally z.
  • WKTThe geometry will be represented by a single field in a well-known text field.
  • WKBThe geometry will be represented by a single field in a well-known binary field.
  • GEOJSONThe geometry will be represented by a single field in GeoJSON format.
  • ESRIJSONThe geometry will be represented by a single field in EsriJSON format.
  • ESRISHAPEThe geometry will be represented by a single field in EsriShape format.

A single field used to represent the geometry. This field is used when the geometry format is WKT, WKB, GeoJSON, EsriJSON, or EsriShape.


The field used to represent the x-location. If more than one field represents the x-location, modify the .mfc file manually.


The field used to represent the y-location. If more than one field represents the y-location, modify the .mfc file manually.


The field used to represent the z-location. If more than one field represents the z-location, modify the .mfc file manually.


Specifies the time type that will be used to temporally represent the dataset.

  • INTERVALThe time type will represent a duration of time with a start and end time.
  • INSTANTThe time type will represent an instant in time.
  • NONETime is not enabled.

The time zone of the dataset.


The fields used to define the start time and the time formatting.

Value Table

The fields used to define the end time and the time formatting.

Value Table

The file extension of the source dataset. The parameter value cannot be modified.


The field delimiter used in the source dataset.


The record terminator used in the source dataset.


The quote character used in the source dataset.


Specifies whether the source dataset includes a header row.

  • HAS_HEADERThe source dataset includes a header row.
  • NO_HEADERThe source dataset does not include a header row.

The type of encoding used by the source dataset. UTF-8 is used by default.


Derived Output

NameExplanationData Type

The updated MFC file with edited properties applied to the specified dataset.


Code sample

UpdateBDCDatasetProperties example (stand-alone script)

The following Python script demonstrates how to use the UpdateBDCDatasetProperties function.

# Name: UpdateBDCDatasetProperties.py
# Description: Add a filter and modify the schema, time, and geometry for a MFC dataset
# Requirements: ArcGIS Pro Advanced License

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set local variables
dataset = r"c:\Projects\MyProjectFolder\my_BigDataConnection.mfc\myBigDataset"
filter = "COUNT > 500"
field_properties = "Field1 FLOAT true;Field2 STRING true;Field3 DOUBLE true"
geometry_type = "POINT"
sref = "4326"
geometry_format = "XYZ"
x_field = "Long"
y_field = "Lat"
z_field = ""
time_type = "INSTANT"
time_zone = "UTC"
time_formats = "Year yyyy"
file_extension = "csv"
file_delimiter = ","
file_terminator = r"\n"
file_quotechar = '"'
has_header_row = True
file_encoding = "UTF-8"

# Run Update MFC Dataset Properties
arcpy.gapro.UpdateBDCDatasetProperties(dataset, filter, field_properties, geometry_type, sref, geometry_format, "",
x_field, y_field, z_field, time_type, time_zone, time_formats, None, file_extension, file_delimiter, file_terminator, 
file_quotechar, has_header_row, file_encoding)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments.