160196: Invalid Topology

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The topology of a feature was found to be invalid during processing.


This error may result from an invalid spatial reference or geometry problems in your data.

  • Review the spatial reference of the input feature class to confirm that it is valid. Confirm that the XY Resolution and XY Tolerance values are set to the coordinate system default. You can verify this by creating a new feature class, using the spatial reference of the input, and accepting the default XY Resolution and XY Tolerance values. Then use the Append tool to load the data from the input feature class into the new feature class.
  • Null geometry, short segments, self-intersections, and other geometry problems in a feature class may also cause this error. Run the Repair Geometry tool to fix any geometry problems.

If the error occurs after fixing the spatial reference and ensuring that there are no geometry problems, contact Esri Technical Support for assistance.