Calculate summary statistics in a report

AllSource 1.1    |

Summary statistics, along with the individual records in the report, combine to show the complete set of information for the layer or table on which you're reporting. For example, you can compute the sum, average, count, standard deviation, minimum, and maximum value of any numeric field.

Available statisticsDescription

Count Count

Find the number of values included in statistical calculations. This counts each value except null values. To determine the number of null values in a field, create a count on the field in question, create a count on a different field that does not contain null values (for example, the OID if present), and subtract the two values from each other.

Mean Mean

Calculate the average for the specified field.

Median Median

Calculate the median for all records of the specified field.

Maximum Maximum

Find the largest value for all records of the specified field.

Minimum Minimum

Find the smallest value for all records of the specified field.

Standard Deviation Standard Deviation

Find the extent of value deviation in the specified field.

Sum Sum

Add the total value for the specified field.

Add statistics when creating a report

You can add statistics when you create a report under the Organize the data page on the Create New Report pane. This is only available when creating a report based upon an Esri default template. All statistics declared during this process are added to the Report Footer as well as any optional Group Footer subsections.

  1. On the Insert tab, in the Project group, click New Report New Report to open the Create New Report pane.

    Alternatively, right-click a layer in the Contents pane and click New Report New Report to open the pane and set the report's data source directly.

  2. In the Create New Report pane, choose Use an Esri default template and select a template from the drop-down.
  3. Click Next to provide a report name and set the data source.
  4. Click Next to filter the data and specify the fields in the report.
  5. Click Next to organize the data. Add any grouping fields with a corresponding sort direction. Also, add any optional sorting criteria.
  6. In the Summary Statistics section, define numeric field and statistic combinations.
  7. Click Next to continue to the Design the report options, or click Finish to generate the report using the current configuration.

Add statistics to an existing report

You can add statistics to a Group Footer or Report Footer after a report has been created using the following steps:

  1. Click a Group Footer or Report Footer subsection in the Contents pane or directly in the report view to activate the subsection.
  2. On the Insert tab, in the Data group, click the Summary Statistics button to open the Insert Statistic window.

    The Statistics gallery lists the available choices.

  3. Choose the statistic type you want to calculate.
  4. Select the field on which to run the statistic from the Field drop-down menu.
  5. Optionally, for numeric fields, specify the Number Format value for the result.
  6. Click OK and click within the subsection to place the element box.

    The statistic element is added and can be resized or repositioned.

  7. If a label is needed for the statistic, you can add a text element separately.