Portal tools

AllSource 1.1    |

ArcGIS AllSource provides access to analysis tools available on your portal. To use these tools, you must be signed in to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. Depending on the licensing roles of the servers configured with your portal, you may have access to some, all, or none of the tools described below. Tools from your portal represent geoprocessing services running on the servers federated with your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.

Learn more about analysis in ArcGIS Enterprise

There are two ways to access the available tools in your active portal:

  • The galleries in the Portal group on the Analysis ribbon
    Portal Analysis galleries
    The galleries are in the Portal group on the Analysis ribbon.
  • The Portal tab in the Geoprocessing pane

You use these tools in the same way you use other geoprocessing tools. The only differences are that the tools run on your portal's federated server instead of on your local desktop machine, and they create output layers in your portal, instead of data in a local folder or geodatabase.


While you can use local data and layers as input to portal tools, best practice is to use layers from your portal as input. For best results, share a layer as web layers first; then run the tool with the web layer as input. To use a web layer as input, click the Add Data button Add Data and browse or search your portal content for the layer.

The following portal tools are supported in this release of ArcGIS AllSource:

  • Standard Feature Analysis tools
  • Raster Analysis tools
  • GeoAnalytics Server tools

Standard Feature Analysis tools


These tools are available when you have an active ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has a hosting server configured for the Feature Analysis - Standard Tools setting. To access and run the tools, you must have spatial analysis privileges. The tools will not work if your active portal is ArcGIS Online.

This toolbox includes tools for analyzing patterns, managing data, summarizing data, and using proximity with feature data.

Learn more about standard Spatial Analysis tools

Learn more about the Standard Feature Analysis toolbox in ArcGIS AllSource

Raster Analysis tools

This toolbox includes tools for analyzing patterns and terrains; managing, generalizing, and summarizing raster data; determining proximity; and performing hydrology analysis.

The Raster Analysis gallery also provides access to raster functions that can perform distributed server-based processing on imagery and raster data.

Learn more about performing raster analysis with ArcGIS Image Server

Learn more about the Raster Analysis toolbox in ArcGIS AllSource

GeoAnalytics Server tools


These tools are available when you have an active ArcGIS Enterprise portal that has a GeoAnalytics Server configured for the Feature Analysis - GeoAnalytics Tools setting. To access and run the tools, you must have spatial analysis privileges. The tools will not work if your active portal is ArcGIS Online.

This toolbox includes tools for analyzing patterns, finding locations, managing data, summarizing data, and using proximity with feature data and big data file shares. The tools can be used to solve diverse spatial and temporal analysis problems. These tools can distribute processing between multiple server nodes. By using distributed processing, you can process large datasets in less time.

Learn more about ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server

Learn more about the GeoAnalytics Server toolbox in ArcGIS AllSource