Radial Line Of Sight And Range (Defense)

Available with 3D Analyst license.


Shows areas visible to one or more observer locations given a specified distance and viewing angle.


  • When added to the map, the output areas visible to the observer will be green, and areas not visible will be red.

  • The tool generates a range fan polygon feature class representing the entire area covered by observer parameters.


LabelExplanationData Type
Input Observer

The input observer points.

Feature Set
Input Surface

The input elevation raster surface. The elevation surface must be projected.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer
Output Viewshed Feature Class

The output polygon feature class showing visible and nonvisible areas.

Feature Class
Output Field of View Outline Feature Class

The output polygon feature class containing the field of view range fan.

Feature Class
Output Range

The output polygon feature class containing the viewing sector created by the range radius, start angle, and end angle.

Feature Class
Observer Height Offset (meters)

The height added to the surface elevation of the observer. The default is 2.

Minimum Distance (meters)

The minimum (nearest) distance from observers to consider for analysis in meters. The default is 1000.

Maximum Distance (meters)

The maximum (farthest) distance from observers to consider for analysis in meters. The default is 3000.

Horizontal Start Angle (degrees)

The left bearing limit in degrees. The default is 0.

Horizontal End Angle (degrees)

The right bearing limit in degrees. The default is 360.


arcpy.defense.RadialLineOfSightAndRange(in_observer_features, in_surface, out_viewshed_feature_class, out_fov_feature_class, out_range_radius_feature_class, {observer_height_offset}, {inner_radius}, {outer_radius}, {horizontal_start_angle}, {horizontal_end_angle})
NameExplanationData Type

The input observer points.

Feature Set

The input elevation raster surface. The elevation surface must be projected.

Raster Layer; Mosaic Dataset; Mosaic Layer

The output polygon feature class showing visible and nonvisible areas.

Feature Class

The output polygon feature class containing the field of view range fan.

Feature Class

The output polygon feature class containing the viewing sector created by the range radius, start angle, and end angle.

Feature Class

The height added to the surface elevation of the observer. The default is 2.


The minimum (nearest) distance from observers to consider for analysis in meters. The default is 1000.


The maximum (farthest) distance from observers to consider for analysis in meters. The default is 3000.


The left bearing limit in degrees. The default is 0.


The right bearing limit in degrees. The default is 360.


Code sample

RadialLineOfSightAndRange example 1 (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the RadialLineOfSightAndRange function.

import arcpy
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/Data.gdb"
arcpy.defense.RadialLineOfSightAndRange("LLOS_Tar", "n36.dt2",
                                        "Viewshed", "FieldOfView",
                                        2, 1000, 3000, 0, 360)
RadialLineOfSightAndRange example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following example uses the RadialLineOfSightAndRange function in a sample workflow script.

# Description: Create Radial Line of Sight and Range to test siting of an antenna 
# antennas

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/Data.gdb"

# Select antenna to test
antenna_layer = "antennas"
whereClause = "antenna_call_sign = 'KJT'"
test_ant_layer = arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(antenna_layer, whereClause)

# Inputs
input_surface = "n36.dt2"

# Create radial line of sight for antennas
arcpy.defense.RadialLineOfSightAndRange(test_obs_layer, input_surface, 
                                        "Viewshed", "FieldOfView", "Range", 
                                        2, 1000, 3000, 0, 360)